12 Alice in Wonderland Writing Prompts

Fans of Alice in Wonderland will love these 12 Alice in Wonderland writing prompts for students, and grown-ups alike!

Our list of Alice in Wonderland writing ideas include a mix of reflective, and creative story prompts to help you understand Lewis Carroll’s story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (or even the movie version). From exploring your own curiosity to imagining a whole new Wonderland, these prompts are sure to inspire you will all things Alice related! You might also be interested in this list of over 85 inspirational Alice in Wonderland quotes.

Alice in Wonderland Writing Prompts

Here are 12 Alice in Wonderland writing prompts to help your students understand the story of Alice, and her adventures in Wonderland:

  1. Make a list of at least five things that changed since yesterday. In chapter 10 of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland book, Alice states the following:  “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” Using this quote as inspiration, think about how you have changed since yesterday.
  2. Write a short story about something you are most curious about. In chapter 6 of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland book, Alice says the following: “Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,” thought Alice; “but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!” – Using this quote, think about some things that you find unusual or ‘weird’ in your life. It could be something like why is the sky blue? Or who invented the first watch?
  3. Create your Alice in Wonderland inspired shape poetry. Your shape poem could be based on your favourite character or prop from Alice in Wonderland. 
  4. Describe your own wonderland. When Alice fell down the rabbit hole, she experienced many weird and bizarre moments, such as a talking pack of cards and a tea party in the woods with some strange creatures. Imagine if you fell down the same rabbit hole, and experience a whole new kind of wonderland. What would this look like?
  5. Write a short story from the perspective of Lorina Charlotte Liddell who is Alice’s older sister. Imagine that instead of Alice falling down the rabbit hole on her own, Lorina went in after her to save her from the strange creatures of Wonderland. You can use this story starter as inspiration: Alice’s older sister Lorina ran after her sister, as she fell down the rabbit hole to save her. Wonderland was no place for a curious young girl like Alice.
  6. Plan your own tea party in the woods. Imagine you are the host of a marvellous tea party in the woods. Think about the food you’ll serve, the type of tea, entertainment and who you would invite.
  7. Create and describe your own wonderland creature. Wonderland is filled with many strange, and interesting characters, such as the White Rabbit, Mad Hatter, the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon. Each creature has a unique personality, look and mannerisms. What would you call your new Wonderland creature? What would their role be in Wonderland? 
  8. Write an origin story for the Mad Hatter. Why do you think the Mad hatter is called this? Did he have any family? How was his upbringing like?
  9. Write a how-to guide on how to get into Wonderland. Wonderland isn’t open to everyone, only the very curious can find it. Write down the steps someone should follow to get into Wonderland.
  10. Turn the tale of Alice in Wonderland into a sci-fi story. Imagine that scientists discover the entrance wonderland. They then decide the investigate all the strange creatures that exist there putting the very existence of Wonderland in danger.
  11. Write a conversation between the Mad Hatter and a supermarket assistant. Imagine the Mad Hatter is at the local supermarket shopping for some tea. He can’t find the one he likes, so asks the supermarket assistant for help. Write down a script for this conversation. Remember the Mad Hatter mostly speaks in riddles and makes no sense most of the time – Consider this when writing your script.
  12. Create a new word that does not exist in the dictionary, and describe the meaning of this word. In Chapter 3 of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland book, Alice is uncertain about what a ’Caucus-race?’ is. The Dodo replies, `the best way to explain it is to do it.’ and begins demonstrating the meaning of this word by marking out the race-course. When describing your new word, explain the word visually, as if you were trying to show someone what this word means, instead of telling them what it means.

Can you complete all 12 Alice in Wonderland writing prompts?

Alice in Wonderland Printable Pack

Download this free Alice in Wonderland writing pack for a printable version of some of the prompts above.

That’s all from us today! Which Alice in Wonderland prompt was your favourite to work on and why? Let us know in the comments below.

Alice in Wonderland Writing Prompts

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