Becoming Beautiful Book: Interview with Tarang Rawat
We were recently approached by the Tarang Rawat, the author of Becoming Beautiful book and were lucky enough to interview her about her new project. Tarang is on a mission to empower girls to be confident, strong and independent. Do you feel that your child is worried about their appearance? If yes, don’t worry you’re not alone. It is becoming more common than ever that children as young as 8 years old can start to have feelings of self-doubt and even concerns about how they look. They might have questions about their body image, hair or even skin colour. And wonder how can I fit in or why don’t I look like her? If this is something that your daughter is worried about, then the Becoming Beautiful book is the perfect gift to give.
Interview with Tarang Rawat:
- Tell us about yourself?
Hi, I’m a mom of two lovely kids who make sure to keep me busy. My husband and I live in Fairfax, Virginia and absolutely love the city. We have an awesome backyard with eleven trees and our favourite thing to do when the kids are asleep is to sit back, sip wine and look at the moon 😊
- What inspired you to write Becoming Beautiful?
I wrote Becoming Beautiful for my daughter so she could feel empowered and confident in herself. I feel we’ve reached an age where our children are severely exposed to fake and unrealistic standards of physical beauty. They are influenced by popular television shows, celebrity culture and social media and when they fail to achieve these standards, they feel disheartened and unworthy. The message of self-love and embracing our individual uniqueness needs to be instilled early on in every child; so that they are equipped to deal with peer pressure and external influences. The need to address this critical issue inspired me to write this book.
- You self-published a book before called Trains from A-Z which is available on amazon now. What are some of the challenges you faced as a self-published author and what advice can you give to other aspiring children’s book authors?
I think committing to the project of writing is the most difficult task, once you commit then half the battle is won. Another challenge was that I had no idea where to begin; I had written the story but did not know how to get it published. So, it took a great deal of time and effort to research and learn about self-publishing. I would say that do not give up and keep pressing on. Also, I would encourage aspiring authors to join literary groups and Writer’s community to get feedback on their work and be engaged.
- What is ultimate lesson, you hope readers of this book will learn?
I hope that young girls can feel inspired and empowered by reading this book.
Know that they are beautiful just as they are and that they have a unique mission in life that only they can fulfil.
- Becoming Beautiful is about empowering young girls to be pioneers and breaking down stereotypical walls. What is the biggest advice you would give to girls out there who are struggling with their confidence?
I would like to tell young girls that they are not limited or defined by their physical appearance. They are incredible in the way their minds weave dreams and their actions bring joy to others, that they are capable to reach for the sky and beyond. They can achieve lofty goals and push boundaries and all this has nothing to do with the way they look. I hope that they grow up to be happy and self-confident women.
- We heard you are running a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for your book. Can you please tell us more about your Kickstarter campaign?
I will be launching my Kickstarter campaign on February 20th. The funds raised through this campaign would help in the production, design and printing of the book. Each backers support will help me towards putting this book within the reach of each and every girl. I hope that people will support this mission to empower and celebrate our Girls!
View the book trailer and pre-order a copy of Becoming Beautiful at:

Support the project now on Kickstarter!
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