Reading Lists

Comics in the Classroom
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
Comics in the Classroom: 7 Series to Help Students Appreciate Cultural Diversity

Regardless of who opens the cover and dives into the fantasy-laden pages, a comic book is considered to be “pleasure reading.” This may be a true assessment, but it doesn’t mean that readers pursue the pleasure myopically, as escapists who would dodge responsibility. In fact, some comics actually foster selfless ...

7 Books That Teach Children to Be Global Citizens
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
7 Books That Teach Children to Be Global Citizens

The children of today will eventually grow up to be the world's future, and that is precisely why it becomes crucial to raise our kids with the intrinsic values of global awareness. They need to be made very aware of the conditions that people from other places live in to ...

10 Childrens Books about Dogs You Should Read _ imagine forest
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
10 Children’s Books about Dogs You Should Read

What about ending the day curling up with your child and his favourite book about dogs? No doubt, it would be great. After all, dogs and books have been two of the best companions of mankind. You may have grown up reading those books with doggy pictures but memories don’t ...

Reading Lists
10 Mother’s Day Books for Kids

Consider books as a fail proof mother’s day gift. Whether your mom is an obsessive bookworm or never read a book in 10 years. There is mostly definitely a book out there that can show your mom, how much you love her. From supermoms to mama bears, our list of ...

valentines day picture books for kids_imagine forest V2
Reading Lists, Valentine's Day
6 Valentine’s Day Picture Books for kids

February 14th is nearly upon us! Love surely will be in the air and not just for grownups! Forget that box of chocolates or flowers and buy yourself one of these outrageous Valentine’s Day picture books to give as a gift to another love in your life. Yes, your child ...

Childrens Books Coming Out Fall 2019
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
The 10 Most Exciting Children’s Books Coming Out Fall 2019

No matter how old you are, there’s nothing quite like a skillfully narrated, beautifully illustrated children’s book. I’m sure my fellow grown-ups will remember the magic of books like Green Eggs and Ham and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs — and want to share that same magic with their ...

12 Hilarious Back to School Picture Books To Excite Your Kids
Reading Lists
12 Hilarious Back to School Picture Books To Excite Your Kids

Going back to school or the first day of school can be an exciting and scary time for grownups. But for kids it can be the most nerve-wracking time of their early years.  The anxiety, the worry and the fear of something new can be a really scary thing for ...

easter books for kids aged 8 to 11 _ Imagine Forest_update
Easter, Reading Lists
16 Easter books for Kids Aged 8 to 11 (2024)

Educate and entertain your kids this Easter, with our collection of Easter books for kids aged 8 to 11. From bunny rabbits to the true meaning of Easter, prepare yourself for the big Easter weekend with these 10 Easter books for ...

10 st. patrick's day books for kids_imagine forest_updated
Reading Lists
10 St. Patrick’s Day Books for Kids!

St. Patrick’s Day is in a few days! We have the perfect reading list of St. Patrick’s day books for kids. Whether you’re looking for an informative book or a classic folk tale, here is our list of 10 St. Patrick’s day books for kids! All perfect for your ...

Top 10 Children’s Books for Christmas_imagine forest
Christmas, Reading Lists
Top 10 Children’s Books for Christmas!

Christmas is the perfect time to snuggle up by the fireplace and read some classic children's ...


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