5 Fun Garden Activities Guaranteed To Excite Your Kids

Gardening is one of the healthier activities for your kid. It’s a creative way of teaching your little one about nature, healthy living, science plus more. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for you to bond with your young one. Again, if you are looking for a way to engage them for the long term, train them responsibility, patience, and devotion, gardening is an ideal fit. But to reap these benefits, you must be creative and come up with the right, preferably fun-filled activities. In this post, I will reveal 5 fun gardening activities that will leave your kid asking for more…Have a look.

5 Fun Garden Activities for kids:

1. Leaf Art

Want them to bond with nature? You can make them appreciate nature using art created from leaves. You really need to check out our article on 10 things you can do with autumn leaves.

This is how:

  • Head out to your yard and pick a mixture of leaves. Ensure you have different sizes, shapes, and colours. Monitor your kid so that they don’t touch harmful plants or trees.
  • Add your favourite poster colour paints to a plate. Then dip your leaves one by one each time pressing them onto a cutting of white chart paper.
  • You may add some glitter to the impression just to make it livelier.

2. Go On a Treasure Hunt

If you want to thrill them, set up a simple treasure hunt in your garden. Kids love them.

Do you know what I like most about treasure hunting? You can even run it indoors, the local park, at the beach, and practically anywhere else provided kids find it comfortable.

However, there should be a responsible adult around to ensure their safety.

Here are the steps:

  • Mark out the area where the hunt should take place.
  • Set a list of the things your children will have to find. To spice it up, you can personally hide the items. Then ask them to find the hidden treasures. And ‘bribe’ them by giving appropriate clues.
  • Or simply hand them the list of the things they should find. You can include shells, leaves of different colours, feathers and any other fun item as part of the treasures.
  • To better understand the different types of plants and their uses, you can ask them to pick specific plants and later have a discussion on the plants collected.

3. Math’s In Your Garden

Now, if they have been struggling with numbers, or perhaps you dream of them becoming the next numbers genius- in the class of Albert Einstein. Then you must keep them interested in numbers.

Here is a brilliant counting activity.

  • Head to your garden. A nearby local garden can suffice.
  • Assign your kids any of the following tasks
  • Using a tape measure, let him /her measure how long is a particular plant
  • Point them to a plant and ask them to physically count its flowers or buds
  • If they don’t fear bugs, ask them to find and tally creepy crawlers

4. Create a Fairy Garden

Creating whimsical, miniature gardens is a super way of introducing them to a farm ecosystem.

With the right kit, they can add all the details found on a true farm. I am talking about flowers, tiny houses, shrubs, and even a miniature fairy floating around.

Even more exciting, your kids will have something to care for on their own. I’ve done a superb post on kid’s gardening kits

Head on over there and check it out!

5. Make a Bird Food Garland

If you want to make your garden a haven of beautiful fauna such as birds and butterflies, feed is key.

Now, let your kids create a rich food garland.

And it is very easy.  String foods along a string of appropriate length, or even a twine or yarn and then hang it in a tree out for ‘your’ birds to enjoy.  You can also drape it around a strategically located feeding station

By just hanging bits of buts, seeds, and fruit, scores of fun birds come flocking to your garden creating a beautiful spectacle for your kids.

Remember to give your young gardener a chance to personalize the garland, and watch all the assembling critters.

Wrapping it Up

Now, those are my favourite gardening activities for my 2 boys. They keep them hooked and I guess that’s why they are always excited whenever they learn we are heading out to the yard. Then, since they need little guidance, you can concentrate on your chores so it’s basically a win-win.

So, why not try them next time out? If you liked this post, why not check out 10 garden games you must play with your kids.

5 Fun Garden Activities Guaranteed To Excite Your Kids Imagine Forest

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