Reading has so many benefits that could not be counted. When I was in grade 4 I read a quote on my school board which was written by our teacher. He used to write one quote daily to motivate the students. While entering the school we used to take a ...
READ MORE >Were you ever in the spelling bee in elementary school? I remember one time back in early elementary when I was and some of those words I had to study seemed insane… I could not fathom how I would ever remember how to spell “handkerchief” since it had a silent ...
READ MORE >Does your child love reading? While there are many children that to do love reading, there are still some reluctant readers out there. Children who hate the idea of picking up a book or see reading as a chore. This makes it really difficult for parents to help their child ...
READ MORE >Developing the habit of reading in children is one thing a lot of parents struggle with. Unlike playing which comes naturally, children have to learn how to read and they can only do this through the guidance of parents or anyone in a teaching capacity such as grandparents, uncles, aunties ...
READ MORE >In the recent years, there has been an increase in “educational” games hitting the video gaming industry. Games that are being promoted as providing kids with educational value, such as improving their problem-solving or literacy skills. Minecraft being a key example. But, have video games always been educational and can ...
READ MORE >while reading is obviously important to be able to understand the words on the page, it is also the foundation of your ability to learn and ultimately, your ability to function properly in an ever-changing society. Do you remember as a child when you learned to read? Most of us ...