Author Interviews

Interviews with amazing children's book authors from around the world. Take a look at these author interviews to inspire you to write the next big classic!

Becoming beautiful book interview tarang rawat
Author Interviews
Becoming Beautiful Book: Interview with Tarang Rawat

We were recently approached by the Tarang Rawat, the author of Becoming Beautiful book and were lucky enough to interview her about her new project. Tarang is on a mission to empower girls to be confident, strong and independent. Do you feel that your child is worried about their appearance? ...

Nonni’s Moon - Interview with Julia Inserro_childrens book author interviews
Author Interviews
Nonni’s Moon: Interview with Julia Inserro

Nonni’s Moon is a beautiful story about a young girl named Beanie who lives across the world from her Nonni (her Grandmother) and misses her every day. She soon figures out a way to send messages to her Nonni through the moon. The story is a touching reminder of how ...

Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets Interview with Stacy Bauer by Imagine Forest
Author Interviews
Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets: Interview with Stacy Bauer

Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets is a fun book with a really valuable for kids too. If your kids love to eat sweets, chocolate and any other sweet treats then they would definitely be able to relate to the main character, Cami Kangaroo! Cami kangaroo learns the consequences of ...

Clever Tykes - Book Series
Author Interviews
Interview with Ben Cook and Jodie Cook: Clever Tykes Book Series

Clever Tykes is a series of storybooks for children aged between 7-9, which introduce important life skills and characteristics through positive entrepreneurial role models.  The storybooks highlight the importance of developing characteristics such as innovation, independence, goal-setting, hard work and resourcefulness in ...


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