Guest Posts

Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts for Kids
Guest Posts, Journal Prompts
10 Thought-Provoking Journal Prompts for Kids

Believe it or not, journaling isn’t just for adults. In fact, children can also benefit from journaling. With the power to express themselves in a writing outlet, kids can talk about pretty much anything that they want. But what if your child can’t think of what to write about? No ...

Travel Journal for Children
Bullet Journals, Guest Posts
3 Ways a Travel Journal Will Spark Your Child’s Creativity

Many people claim that in a world where children have all they want, they are becoming less creative than parents would like them to be. They feel like children would rather spend all their free time playing video games and binge-watching music videos on YouTube than sit and do something ...

Write Better Characters in Stories
Guest Posts, Story Writing Guides
How to Help Your Kids Write Better Characters in Stories

Children have incredible imaginations. They’ve retained their sense of wonder that us adults often lose in the throws of life. And that sometimes means children have better stories, something we should nurture for as long as possible. But one thing children lack that we adults may be able to help ...

Comics in the Classroom
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
Comics in the Classroom: 7 Series to Help Students Appreciate Cultural Diversity

Regardless of who opens the cover and dives into the fantasy-laden pages, a comic book is considered to be “pleasure reading.” This may be a true assessment, but it doesn’t mean that readers pursue the pleasure myopically, as escapists who would dodge responsibility. In fact, some comics actually foster selfless ...

Childrens Books Coming Out Fall 2019
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
The 10 Most Exciting Children’s Books Coming Out Fall 2019

No matter how old you are, there’s nothing quite like a skillfully narrated, beautifully illustrated children’s book. I’m sure my fellow grown-ups will remember the magic of books like Green Eggs and Ham and Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs — and want to share that same magic with their ...

Best Rhyming Books For Kids
Guest Posts, Reading Lists
12 Best Rhyming Books For Kids (2024)

Almost everyone knows that reading to your child from an incredibly young age is essential for creating avid readers. What better books to read than books that rhyme? Young children love playing and rhyme is wordplay, so it makes listening to stories fun, easily remembered, and encourages a love of ...

Guest Posts, Literacy Tips
How to Discover a Writer’s Talent in Your Child

The question about whether talent is something you are born with or not has an answer! In fact, it has been proven that we are born with few natural talents. This means that the thing that makes the difference between an expert writer and a writer is the practice. Children are ...

Understanding Your Childs Writing Problem
Guest Posts
Understanding Your Child’s Writing Problem

Have you noticed that when your child is writing they have really messy handwriting or a lot of staring mistakes? Or do they tend to stare out the window or get distracted by a toy and end up writing nothing? If that’s the case, don’t worry. These difficulties are not ...

7 Ways to Maintain Your Childs Writing Sharp This Summer
Guest Posts
7 Ways to Maintain Your Child’s Writing Sharp This Summer

Most parents are worried about the consequences of a summer brain drain, and for a good reason. According to scientific studies, kids lose between two and three months of writing and reading skills in the summer. No matter how smart your son and daughter are, they will lose part of ...

Tips to Help Kids Learn to Self-Edit Their Writing
Guest Posts
7 Tips to Help Kids Learn to Self-Edit Their Writing

It’s important to revise and edit your work, but it can be a difficult process for kids and even adults to do properly. We’ll go over 7 steps to help you show kids how to self-edit their writing so they can eventually do it on their ...


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