How To Come Up With A Good Book Title

Stuck staring at a blank page, wondering how to come up with a good book title for your epic story? Fear not! Creating a captivating title that hooks readers and reflects your masterpiece isn’t magic – it’s a skill you can master. 

One of the most important decisions you will make as an author is choosing a title for your book. A good title can attract readers, convey your message, and set the tone for your work. In this blog post, we will share some tips and strategies on how to come up with a catchy and memorable title that reflects your book’s genre, theme, and style.

Why is a good book title important?

A good book title is like the first impression your book makes on potential readers. It’s the initial hook that draws them in, piques their curiosity, and convinces them to pick it up over countless other options. Here are some key reasons why a good book title is crucial:

  • Attract attention and stand out: In a crowded marketplace filled with countless books, a captivating title can make the difference between getting noticed and getting lost in the shuffle. It needs to be distinct and memorable to grab attention and entice readers to explore further.
  • Reflect the book’s essence: A good title should accurately represent the core themes, tone, and genre of your story. It should hint at the main conflict, characters, or setting without giving away too much. This helps readers understand if the book aligns with their interests and expectations.
  • Spark curiosity and intrigue: A well-crafted title leaves the reader wanting more. It should pose a question, offer a hint of mystery, or create a sense of wonder, leaving them eager to delve into the story and discover the answers or experiences promised within.
  • Convey emotional impact: Titles can evoke specific emotions, drawing readers in based on their personal preferences and desires. A title that evokes excitement, suspense, joy, or introspection can resonate with readers on a deeper level, making them more invested in exploring the story.
  • Marketing and discoverability: A good title plays a significant role in marketing and discoverability. It’s often the first thing potential readers see on search engines, online bookstores, and library shelves. A clear, concise, and keyword-rich title can improve search ranking and make it easier for readers to find your book.
  • Professional presentation and credibility: A well-crafted title reflects the quality and effort put into your writing. It signifies professionalism and attention to detail, making a positive first impression and building trust with potential readers.
  • Overall impact on reading experience: A good title sets the stage for the reading experience. It can create anticipation, establish the tone, and hint at the journey ahead. Ultimately, a strong title can enhance the reader’s enjoyment and connection with your story.

In short, a good book title is much more than just a label; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly influence the success of your book and the reader’s experience. So, invest time and effort in crafting a title that truly shines and does your story justice.

Elements of a Good Title

A good book title should be like a delicious bite-sized treat – enticing, memorable, and representative of the whole experience. Here are the key elements to keep it simple:

  1. Intriguing: It sparks curiosity and leaves the reader wanting to know more. Imagine it as a whisper of secrets waiting to be unravelled.
  2. Concise: Short and sweet, ideally under 10 words. Remember, people are bombarded with information, so brevity is key.
  3. Reflective: It accurately hints at the story’s themes, genre, and core conflict without giving away the entire plot. Think of it as a captivating trailer, not a spoiler.
  4. Memorable: It sticks in the reader’s mind long after they encounter it. Imagine it as a catchy song lyric that keeps humming in their head.
  5. Genre-appropriate: It aligns with reader expectations for your chosen genre. Think of it as speaking the language of your target audience.

Remember, the perfect title is a balancing act. Experiment, have fun, and trust your instincts to find the one that truly captures the essence of your story.

22 Tips for Coming Up With A Good Book Title

Choosing a title for your book is a crucial step in your publishing journey. It can make or break your chances of reaching your target audience, attracting positive reviews, and selling more copies. A good title should reflect the core idea of your book, appeal to your reader’s curiosity, and fit your genre and voice. In this section, we will give you 22 tips for finding a perfect title for your book that will make you proud and confident.

Tip 1: Reflect the Theme

A good title should encapsulate your book’s main idea or message, giving readers a glimpse into the story’s core theme. This doesn’t mean spelling everything out, but rather hinting at the central message in a way that resonates with the plot and characters.

Let’s say your book explores the theme of self-discovery through a journey of self-acceptance. Here are two potential titles reflecting this theme:

  • Unveiling the Reflection: This title uses imagery and suggests a gradual process of revealing one’s true self.
  • Beyond the Mask: This title uses a metaphor to represent shedding facades and embracing authenticity.

These titles both hint at the theme without being overly literal, piquing the reader’s curiosity and suggesting the book’s deeper exploration.


  • Choose words that are relevant to your theme and resonate with the story’s message.
  • Avoid being too obvious or generic.
  • Aim for a title that is thought-provoking and invites further exploration.

Additional Examples:

  • Theme: Overcoming prejudice – Title: Mosaics of Belonging
  • Theme: Facing fears – Title: Whispers of Courage
  • Theme: Finding hope in unexpected places – Title: Blooming in the Ruins

By effectively reflecting your theme, your title can become a powerful tool for drawing in readers and setting the tone for your story.

Tip 2: Intrigue Your Audience

A captivating title should leave readers with a burning question, a sense of mystery, or a desire to know more. This doesn’t mean resorting to clickbait tactics, but rather creating a title that sparks curiosity and compels them to pick up your book.

Imagine a sci-fi novel where a group of teenagers discovers a hidden message within a coded video game. Here are two potential titles:

  • The Glitch in the Algorithm: This title suggests something unusual and potentially dangerous within the game.
  • Unravelling the Forbidden Code: This title emphasizes the mystery and hints at hidden secrets with potential consequences.

Both titles pique the reader’s interest without revealing the plot’s specifics. They leave the reader wondering what the glitch is, what the code contains, and why it’s forbidden.


  • Use words that evoke suspense, curiosity, and a sense of wonder.
  • Avoid giving away too much information or revealing the ending.
  • Consider using cliffhangers, questions, or ambiguous phrases to keep readers guessing.

Additional Examples:

  • Mystery: The Whispers of the Abandoned House
  • Fantasy: Where Dreams Become Shadows
  • Thriller: 24 Hours Until Midnight
  • Sci-Fi: The Day the Stars Went Silent
  • Romance: The Love Letter That Came From Nowhere

By effectively using intrigue, your title can become a powerful hook that draws readers in and keeps them engaged throughout the story.

See our fantasy book title generator for more ideas.

Tip 3: Keep It Short

Shorter titles are generally easier to remember, pronounce, and share. They also appear more visually appealing on covers and online listings. Aim for titles between 3-7 words, with exceptions depending on genre and impact.

Let’s say your book is a historical fiction novel about a young woman defying societal expectations during the Victorian era. Here are two potential titles, one long and one short:

  • The Adventures of Eliza Rose: The Age of Corsets and Conformity: While informative, this title is wordy and lacks punch.
  • Emberheart: This shorter title evokes determination and rebellion, hinting at the character’s fiery spirit and defying nature.

The shorter title is easier to remember, rolls off the tongue better, and leaves room for the reader’s imagination to fill in the details.


  • Every word counts, so choose impactful ones.
  • Aim for clarity and avoid unnecessary phrases.
  • Consider using abbreviations or contractions if appropriate.
  • Test the title out loud and see if it flows easily.

Additional Examples:

  • Dragonflight
  • Second Chance
  • Hidden Truth
  • Stardust Thief
  • The Hidden Room
  • Fractured Minds

By keeping your title concise, you increase its chances of capturing attention and staying firmly lodged in the reader’s mind.

Bonus Tip: While short titles are generally recommended, remember that exceptions exist. Some well-known books have longer titles that work effectively due to their unique wordplay, rhythm, or historical context (To Kill a Mockingbird, One Hundred Years of Solitude). If yours is exceptional, don’t shy away from its length!

Tip 4: Use Strong Imagery

A powerful title should paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, transporting them into the world of your story. This doesn’t require literal descriptions, but rather using evocative language and imagery that captures the essence of your book.

Let’s say your book is a coming-of-age story about a teenager navigating friendship, family, and self-discovery against the backdrop of a vibrant city. Here are two potential titles that evoke strong imagery:

  • Neon Symphony: This title uses imagery of light and sound, suggesting the energy and complexity of the city and the character’s emotional journey.
  • Chasing Sunsets on Rollerblades: This title uses dynamic imagery of movement and freedom, hinting at the character’s adventurous spirit and pursuit of self-expression.


  • Choose words that are sensory and evocative, appealing to the reader’s sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch.
  • Consider metaphors, similes, and personification to paint a vivid picture.
  • Ensure the imagery aligns with the story’s tone, genre, and themes.

Additional Examples:

  • Whispers Through the Moonlit Woods
  • Shadows Dance in the Moonlight
  • Fractured Reflections in a Broken Mirror
  • Cracks in the Porcelain Doll

By using strong imagery in your title, you can create an immersive experience that captures readers’ imagination and sets the stage for your captivating story.

Tip 5: Consider Your Genre

A successful title should resonate with readers familiar with your chosen genre. This means understanding the conventions, expectations, and language typically used in genre titles. Consider what would attract readers who enjoy similar books.

Imagine your book is a young adult dystopian novel about a rebellion against a controlling government. Here are two potential titles, each considering different genre approaches:

  • The Uprising Chronicles: While descriptive, this title lacks the punch and emotional connection favoured in many YA dystopian titles.
  • Ember Spark: Ignite the Flame: This title uses powerful verbs and imagery (“ember spark”, “ignite”) that align with the genre’s themes of resistance and revolution. It also hints at the central conflict without revealing too much.


  • Research popular titles in your genre to understand common trends and elements.
  • Use language and imagery that resonate with your target audience’s expectations.
  • Avoid generic titles that could apply to any genre.
  • Strike a balance between genre adherence and individual uniqueness.

Additional Examples:

  • Mystery: The Disappearance of Decoder Ring, Clues in the Cafeteria, Shadows in the Social Network, The Detective’s Last Clue
  • Romance: First Crush, Second Chances, Love Under Lockdown, The Day the Music Stopped, Beneath the Tuscan Sun
  • Sci-Fi: Stardust Renegades, Glitch in the System, Beyond the Firewall
  • Fantasy: Whispers of the Dragonborn, Academy of Arcane Arts, The Stolen Spellbook, Dragonsong

By tailoring your title to your chosen genre, you can effectively reach your target audience and pique their interest in exploring your story.

See our Sci-Fi book title generator for more ideas.

Tip 6: Incorporate Symbolism

Symbolism in a title can add depth and intrigue, inviting readers to delve deeper into the story’s meaning. By using objects, concepts, or colours that hold symbolic significance within your narrative, you can create a title that resonates on multiple levels.

Imagine your book is a coming-of-age story about a young artist struggling to find their identity. Here are two potential titles with varying symbolic elements:

  • Chasing the Sun’s Brushstrokes: This title uses the sun as a symbol of hope, creativity, and self-discovery, aligning with the character’s journey.
  • The Torn Canvas: This title uses a torn canvas to symbolize the protagonist’s internal conflict and their search for wholeness.

Both titles are evocative, but the first incorporates a dynamic symbol that hints at the character’s active pursuit of their goals, making it more engaging.


  • Choose symbols that resonate with your story’s themes, characters, and plot.
  • Ensure the symbolism is clear enough for readers to grasp without being overly obvious.
  • Consider cultural interpretations of your chosen symbols to avoid unintended meanings.
  • Balance the symbolic meaning with the title’s overall clarity and appeal.

Additional Examples:

  • The Shattered Songbird (representing lost magic)
  • The Whispering Woods (representing hidden secrets)
  • The Language of Dandelions (representing unspoken emotions)
  • Where Dragons Dream of Fire (dragons symbolizing power and hidden potential)
  • The Shattered Hourglass (hourglass symbolizing time running out and the fragility of life)
  • Dance of the Dragonfly (symbolizes change and adaptation)
  • Language of the Stars (symbolizes connection and destiny)

By incorporating symbolism effectively, your title can become a powerful tool for foreshadowing, enriching the story’s meaning, and sparking the reader’s imagination.

Tip 7: Consider Alliteration

Alliteration refers to the repetition of the first consonant sound in two or more words close together. This technique can create a catchy and memorable title that rolls off the tongue easily. However, use it strategically to avoid sounding forced or childish.

Let’s say your book is a middle-grade fantasy adventure about a mischievous young wizard. Here are two potential titles with varying use of alliteration:

  • Wizards, Wanders, and Wicked Deeds: This title uses alliteration effectively, creating a catchy rhythm and hinting at the story’s adventurous and mischievous nature.
  • The Mystical Mishaps of Merlin: While alliteration is present, it feels less natural and overshadows the title’s meaning with the soundplay.


  • Alliteration should enhance, not define, your title.
  • Prioritize clarity and meaning over forced alliteration.
  • Consider the overall tone and genre when choosing alliterative words.
  • Aim for a natural flow and avoid tongue twisters.

Additional Examples:

  • The Puzzling Plight of Penelope
  • Moonlight Melodies and Mistletoe Magic
  • Twisted Trails and Treacherous Truths
  • Fiery Flight of the Falcon
  • Moonlight Masquerade
  • Twisted Trail of Terror

By incorporating alliteration thoughtfully, you can create a title that is catchy, memorable, and reinforces the unique atmosphere of your story.

Tip 8: Avoid Clichés

Clichés are overused phrases or concepts that have lost their originality and impact. They can make your book title sound generic, predictable, and uninspired. Avoiding them is crucial for grabbing attention and showcasing your story’s unique voice.

Imagine you’ve written a heartwarming young adult novel about overcoming self-doubt and finding your passion. Here are two potential titles:

  • The Girl Who Dreamed Big: This title uses a cliché phrase (“dreamed big”) and offers little insight into the specific story or character.
  • Free the Starry Skies: This title uses evocative imagery (“starry skies”) and avoids clichés, hinting at the character’s potential and journey without being overly generic.


  • Identify common clichés in your genre and avoid them actively.
  • Opt for fresh, original language that reflects your story’s unique elements.
  • Prioritize clarity and meaning over trendy phrases or empty promises.
  • Test your title on potential readers – does it sound generic or intriguing?

Additional Examples:

  • Twist a cliché: Instead of “The Girl Who Dreamed Big,” consider “The Girl Who Danced with Galaxies.”
  • Use unexpected metaphors: Instead of “Finding Your Passion,” consider “Unraveling the Threads of Destiny.”
  • Cliché: The Chosen One – Unique: Whispers of Destiny
  • Cliché: Lost and Found – Unique: Echoes in the Labyrinth
  • Cliché: Love at First Sight – Unique: Tangled Hearts, Starry Nights

By avoiding clichés and embracing originality, you can craft a title that truly stands out and entices readers to delve into your world.

Tip 9: Play On Emotions

A powerful title can tap into the reader’s emotions, creating a connection and leaving them wanting more. This doesn’t mean manipulation, but rather understanding your target audience and using language that resonates with their hopes, fears, dreams, or desires.

Imagine you’ve written a young adult historical fiction novel about a young woman defying societal expectations to pursue her artistic dreams. Here are two potential titles with varying emotional impact:

  • Brushstrokes of Rebellion: This title focuses on the act of rebellion, which might appeal to readers seeking stories of defiance and breaking free.
  • Where Dreams Dare to Bloom: This title taps into the emotional journey of overcoming obstacles and achieving dreams, potentially resonating with readers seeking inspiration and hope.


  • Consider the core emotions your story evokes: joy, fear, hope, love, etc.
  • Use language that triggers those emotions in your target audience.
  • Be genuine and avoid manipulative tactics.
  • Ensure the emotional pull aligns with your story’s themes and message.

Additional Examples:

  • Love Letters Lost and Found (evokes nostalgia and longing)
  • Whispers in the Dead of Night (triggers fear and suspense)
  • Where Wishes Take Flight (sparks hope and wonder)
  • Paper Hearts (suggests a tender coming-of-age story)

By playing on emotions thoughtfully, you can create a title that not only intrigues readers but also establishes an emotional connection that draws them into your story.

See our Horror book title generator for more ideas.

Tip 10: Use Unexpected Elements

A title with an unexpected element can surprise and intrigue readers, setting your book apart from the crowd and sparking their curiosity. This doesn’t mean adding randomness, but rather incorporating a twist, contradiction, or unusual detail that hints at the story’s uniqueness.

Imagine you wrote a historical fiction novel about a young woman disguised as a man to fight in a medieval war. Here are two potential titles with varying use of unexpected elements:

  • Sword and Secrecy: This title is clear and relevant, but lacks surprise.
  • A Woman in Steel: This title uses the unexpected element of a “woman in steel” to challenge traditional gender roles and pique the reader’s interest.


  • The unexpected element should be relevant to your story and not feel like a forced gimmick.
  • Consider using humour, irony, or a surprising detail that reflects your plot or characters.
  • Ensure the element still conveys the core themes or genre of your book.
  • Avoid being too cryptic or confusing with the unexpected element.

Additional Examples:

  • The Martian Who Stole My Lunchbox (combines humour and sci-fi)
  • Teacups and Time Travel (the unexpected juxtaposition of ordinary and extraordinary)
  • The Dog Who Knew Too Much (unusual detail sparks curiosity)
  • Love Letters from a Ghost (unexpected element of the supernatural)

By incorporating an unexpected element thoughtfully, you can create a title that is both intriguing and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on potential readers and encouraging them to discover the unique world within your book.

Tip 11: Reference Pop Culture

Referencing pop culture in your title can be a fun and effective way to grab attention, especially if your target audience is familiar with the reference. However, it’s important to use this technique strategically to avoid seeming gimmicky or alienating readers who don’t understand the reference.

Imagine you wrote a science fiction novel about a group of teenagers who discover a hidden virtual reality world. Here are two potential titles, one with a forced reference and one with a subtler approach:

  • The Matrix Generation: This title directly references “The Matrix” but feels dated and doesn’t offer much originality.
  • Hello, Other-World: This title subtly evokes the concept of a hidden virtual world and draws inspiration from the popular coding pop culture as “Hello, World” is the first thing beginners typically write in code.

Additional Examples:

  • When Harry Met Juliet (references “When Harry Met Sally” and “Romeo and Juliet” with a fresh twist)
  • Squad Goals (uses popular teen slang)
  • Friend-Zoned Forever? (uses popular teen slang)

Tip 12: Ask a Question

Asking a question in your title can be a powerful way to pique readers’ curiosity and draw them into your story. It creates a sense of mystery and invites them to seek answers within the pages of your book. However, it’s crucial to choose the right question – one that is relevant to your story’s themes, intriguing enough to hold attention, and doesn’t give away crucial plot points.

Imagine you’ve written a historical mystery novel set in Victorian England, where a young detective investigates a series of seemingly impossible murders. Here are two potential titles, one with a question and one without:

  • What Whispers the Thames at Midnight?: This title asks a specific, intriguing question directly related to the setting and mystery, instantly drawing the reader in.
  • The Shadow of Baker Street: This title is informative but lacks the same level of intrigue and doesn’t hint at the story’s unique elements.


  • The question should be open-ended, prompting the reader to think and want to know more.
  • Consider using powerful verbs and evocative language to make the question stand out.
  • Ensure the question aligns with the story’s tone and genre conventions.
  • Test the question on potential readers to gauge its effectiveness in sparking curiosity.

Additional Examples:

  • Where Do Dreams Go to Die?
  • Will You Remember Me in the Future?
  • Who Rules the Fae When Shadows Fall?
  • Will You Catch Me If I Fall?
  • Will Love Bloom in the Ruins?

By crafting a compelling question in your title, you can effectively capture your reader’s attention and set the stage for a captivating journey into your story’s world.

Tip 13: Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorming is an essential step in crafting the perfect title. It allows you to explore different possibilities, experiment with various approaches, and discover hidden gems you might have missed otherwise. Don’t be afraid to get creative, think outside the box, and generate a large pool of ideas before narrowing them down.

Let’s say you wrote a science fiction novel about a group of colonists struggling to survive on a harsh alien planet. Here’s how brainstorming might help you generate title ideas:

Step 1: List keywords and themes:

  • Alien planet
  • Survival
  • Colonists
  • Hope
  • Adaptation
  • Struggle

Step 2: Explore different angles:

  • Descriptive: Surviving Kepler-186f
  • Intriguing: Beyond the Red Horizon
  • Symbolic: Seeds of Resilience
  • Question-based: Can Humanity Bloom on Barren Soil?
  • Pop culture reference: The Martian Chronicles of Kepler-186f (if relevant)

Step 3: Combine and refine:

  • Kepler’s Crucible
  • Red Horizon Rising
  • Seeds of a New Earth


  • Don’t judge your ideas initially. Embrace quantity and diversity.
  • Use mind maps, word lists, or freewriting to spark creativity.
  • Combine different elements from your brainstormed ideas to create unique titles.
  • Get feedback from others to gain new perspectives and refine your options.
  • Take breaks and come back to your brainstorming with fresh eyes.

Tip 14: Get Feedback

Getting feedback on your title ideas is crucial for refining them and ensuring they resonate with your target audience. Fresh perspectives can help you identify weaknesses, highlight strengths, and discover hidden potential in your titles. Here are some ways to effectively gather feedback:

  • Trusted readers: Share your title ideas with beta readers, critique partners, or writing groups who understand your genre and target audience. Ask them for honest feedback on clarity, intrigue, memorability, and overall impression.
  • Industry professionals: If you have access to editors, agents, or librarians, their insights can be invaluable. They can offer guidance on industry trends, marketability, and potential audience appeal.
  • Online communities: Utilise online forums, writing communities, or social media groups relevant to your genre. Share your title ideas and ask for feedback from potential readers.
  • Read your title aloud: Read your shortlisted titles aloud to yourself or others. Pay attention to how they sound, their rhythm, and how they flow. Does the title trip off the tongue or feel awkward?

Imagine you’ve written a lighthearted cozy mystery novel set in a charming English village. You have two potential titles:

  • The Village Vicar’s Sticky Scones: This title is playful and hints at the setting and tone, but might be too specific and not intriguing enough.
  • Murder Under the Marmalade Moon: This title is more evocative and mysterious, but doesn’t directly connect to the village setting.


  • Beta readers: Some find “The Village Vicar’s Sticky Scones” too cute and lacking suspense. Others enjoy the cosy vibes.
  • Writing group: They suggest “Murder Under the Marmalade Moon” is intriguing but lacks the village element.
  • Librarian: They advise including the village name for discoverability and suggest “Death in Darjeeling Acres: A Marmalade Murder Mystery.


  • Be open to constructive criticism and use feedback to refine your title, not feel discouraged.
  • Consider the source of the feedback and their expertise in your genre and target audience.
  • Don’t feel obligated to adopt every suggestion, but use them to shape your title into the best version it can be.
  • Ultimately, trust your gut feeling and choose the title that resonates most with you and best represents your story.

By actively seeking and incorporating feedback, you can ensure your title is not only well-crafted but also has the potential to captivate your target audience and draw them into your story.

Tip 15: Check for Copyright

Before finalizing your book title, it’s crucial to ensure it doesn’t infringe on existing trademarks or copyrights. This protects you from legal issues and ensures your chosen title is uniquely yours. Here’s how to approach copyright checking:

  • Trademark databases: Utilise online resources like the Gov Trademark Search website, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Brand Database to search for existing trademarks that match your title or are confusingly similar.
  • Copyright catalogues: Search the Library of Congress Copyright Office website or other relevant copyright registries to see if any existing books or creative works share your title.
  • Consult a lawyer: While not always necessary, an intellectual property lawyer can conduct a comprehensive search and advise you on potential risks and best practices.
  • Manual search: Conduct a simple Google search for your title and any variations to see if similar titles exist.

Imagine you’ve written a fantasy novel titled “Whispers of the Wind.” Before finalizing it, you decide to check for copyright.

  • Trademark database search: You find several registered trademarks for “Whispers” and “Wind” used in various products and services, but none specifically for a book title.
  • Library of Congress search: You discover a few books with similar titles, but none are identical and the content differs significantly from your story.
  • Manual search: A Google search reveals a few blog posts and poems with similar titles, but nothing substantial.


  • Even if your title doesn’t seem to directly infringe on an existing trademark, consider its potential for confusion in the marketplace.
  • Copyright and trademark laws are complex. Consulting a legal professional is recommended for intricate cases or if you’re unsure about the results.
  • Checking for copyright early saves you time and effort in the long run, avoiding potential legal hurdles later.
  • It’s important to be proactive and responsible when choosing your book title.

By checking for copyright, you can ensure your book title is legally sound and sets you up for success in the publishing world.

Tip 16: Read It Out Loud

Reading your shortlisted book titles aloud might seem simple, but it’s a surprisingly effective way to refine your choices. This practice allows you to assess the title’s sound, rhythm, and flow, ensuring it’s not only catchy but also enjoyable to say and remember.

  • Read slowly and deliberately: Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and how they connect together.
  • Listen for awkwardness or tongue twisters: Certain combinations of words might be difficult to pronounce or sound clunky.
  • Consider the overall rhythm: Does the title have a pleasing cadence or flow? Does it sound too monotonous or jarring?
  • Get feedback from others: Ask friends, family, or fellow writers to listen to you read the titles and share their impressions.

Imagine you’ve narrowed down your title choices for a historical fiction novel about a female pirate captain to:

  • The Fearless Captain Fiona: This title is clear and informative, but sounds a bit generic when spoken aloud.
  • Siren of the Seven Seas: This title is more evocative, but saying it aloud reveals the “s” sounds can be repetitive and slightly awkward.
  • Crimson Sails at Dawn: This title is visually strong and has a nice rhythm when spoken, creating a sense of adventure and intrigue.


  • Read your shortlisted titles aloud multiple times to get a good feel for them.
  • Consider recording yourself and playing it back to gain a more objective perspective.
  • Ask others to read the titles aloud for their feedback on clarity, flow, and overall impression.

By taking the time to read your titles aloud, you can identify hidden strengths and weaknesses, ensuring you choose a title that not only sounds good on paper but also resonates with readers when spoken. This simple step can make a significant difference in the memorability and impact of your book title.

Tip 17: Consider Your Target Audience

Your book title is the first impression you make on potential readers, so it’s crucial to tailor it to your specific target audience. Understanding their interests, preferences, and reading habits will help you choose a title that resonates with them and entices them to pick up your book.

Here’s how to consider your target audience:

  • Genre: What genre conventions are readers familiar with? Can you use them in an interesting way?
  • Age group: Are you writing for children, young adults, adults, or a specific age range within those groups? Each has different expectations and preferences.
  • Reading level: Consider the vocabulary and complexity appropriate for your target audience.
  • Interests: What are their hobbies, values, and concerns? Can you connect your title to their interests?
  • Pain points: Does your book address a common challenge or aspiration for your target audience? Can you highlight this in the title?

Imagine you wrote a young adult science fiction novel about a group of teenagers who discover a hidden portal to another dimension. Here are two potential titles, each targeting a slightly different audience:

  • Warp Speed Rebels: This title uses action-oriented language and genre jargon, appealing to readers who enjoy fast-paced adventures and are familiar with sci-fi terminology.
  • The Secret Beyond the Stars: This title is more mysterious and evocative, using imagery that might attract readers who enjoy a sense of wonder and discovery, even if they’re not deeply familiar with sci-fi tropes.


  • Research your target audience to understand their preferences and expectations.
  • Don’t alienate potential readers with overly technical jargon or obscure references.
  • Consider the emotional tone and overall message you want to convey.
  • Test your title ideas with members of your target audience to see how they react.

By carefully considering your target audience, you can craft a book title that acts as a magnet, attracting the right readers and setting the stage for a successful journey into your story.

Tip 18: Make it Memorable

A memorable title is like an earworm – it sticks in your mind, piques your curiosity, and leaves you wanting to know more. It’s the difference between a book that gets lost in the crowd and one that stands out, enticing readers and staying with them long after they’ve finished the story. Here are some key ingredients for a memorable title:

  • Uniqueness: Avoid generic titles that blend in with the masses. Aim for something fresh, original, and unexpected.
  • Clarity: While being unique, ensure your title is still clear and conveys the essence of your story without being overly cryptic.
  • Intrigue: Spark curiosity and pose questions in the reader’s mind. What is this story about? Why should I read it?
  • Emotional Connection: Tap into the emotions your story evokes, whether it’s excitement, suspense, wonder, or something else.
  • Strong Imagery: Use vivid language or metaphors that paint a picture in the reader’s mind and leave a lasting impression.
  • Rhythm and Flow: Consider the sound of your title. Does it roll off the tongue easily? Is there a pleasing rhythm or rhyme scheme?

Imagine you’ve written a historical fiction novel about a young woman who disguises herself as a man to fight in the Civil War. Here are two potential titles, one forgettable and one memorable:

  • A Soldier’s Secret: This title is clear but lacks memorability. It uses generic phrases and doesn’t offer a unique hook.
  • Lilac and Lead: This title is more evocative and memorable. It uses contrasting imagery (“lilac” and “lead”) to hint at the character’s hidden identity and the harsh realities of war.


  • A memorable title is more than just a label; it’s an invitation to the story.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with different words and phrases to find the perfect combination.
  • Read your title aloud and see if it sounds catchy and memorable.
  • Test your title on others and see if they remember it easily.
  • Consider the title’s visual appeal and how it would look on a cover.

By crafting a title that is unique, emotionally engaging, and visually striking, you can ensure your book leaves a lasting impression on readers and entices them to delve into your story.

Tip 19: Browse Books In Your Genre

Immersing yourself in titles of successful books within your genre offers valuable insights and inspiration for crafting your own title. By analyzing what resonates with readers and how authors approach titling within your genre’s conventions, you can gain valuable knowledge to inform your own choices.

  • Identify trends and common elements: See which keywords, themes, and stylistic choices are popular within your genre.
  • Discover unique and effective examples: Find titles that stand out and understand what makes them work.
  • Avoid cliches and overused phrases: Notice what’s been done before and steer clear of repetitive titles.
  • Gain inspiration for your own brainstorming: Spark new ideas and approaches based on what you observe.

Imagine you wrote a cosy mystery novel set in a quaint English village. Here’s how browsing your genre can help:

  1. Identify trends: You notice many titles use the village name, mention quirky characters, or hint at the mystery’s core.
  2. Discover gems: You find titles like The Body in the Biscuit Tin, Death in the Darjeeling Acres, and Murder with Marmalade.
  3. Avoid cliches: You steer clear of generic titles like The Village Mystery or Murder Most Foul.
  4. Spark inspiration: You brainstorm titles like ‘The Vicarage Vanilla Custard Caper’ or ‘Quiche and Quiet’.


  • Don’t simply copy existing titles; use them as springboards for your own unique creations.
  • Consider your target audience within the genre; what appeals to them specifically?
  • Pay attention to the emotional tone and overall message conveyed by successful titles.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment and add your own creative twist while staying true to genre conventions.

By browsing books in your genre, you gain valuable insights into reader expectations and effective titling strategies, allowing you to craft a title that stands out, entices your target audience, and perfectly represents your unique story.

Please see our Christmas Book Title Generator for more fun ideas.

Tip 20: Consider Keywords

Including relevant keywords in your book title can be a strategic way to improve its discoverability, especially online. This tip is more related to non-fiction books, rather than fiction. When readers search for books in your genre, they often use keywords to narrow down their options. By incorporating relevant keywords naturally into your title, you can increase the chances that your book appears in their search results. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between using keywords effectively and maintaining the overall quality of your title. 

Here’s how to do it right:

  • Identify relevant keywords: Research keywords related to your genre, themes, plot points, and target audience. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or bookseller websites.
  • Incorporate them naturally: Don’t stuff your title with keywords; instead, weave them in organically and grammatically.
  • Focus on clarity and flow: Remember, your title should still be catchy, memorable, and enjoyable to read.
  • Consider long-tail keywords: These are more specific phrases readers might use, like “time travel romance novels” instead of just “romance.”

Don’t do the following:

  • Keyword stuff: This makes your title sound unnatural and spammy.
  • Mislead readers: Don’t include keywords unrelated to your book’s content.
  • Neglect the title’s other functions: Remember, your title should also intrigue readers and reflect your story’s essence.


  • The Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance: Strategies for Wealth Building and Financial Freedom.
    • This title includes keywords like “personal finance,” “wealth building,” and “financial freedom,” which are commonly searched terms for individuals seeking financial advice.
  • Healthy Eating 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutrition and Meal Planning
    • This title incorporates keywords such as “healthy eating,” “nutrition,” and “meal planning,” catering to readers looking for guidance on improving their diet.
  • DIY Home Improvement: Tips and Techniques for Renovating Your Space
    • This title includes keywords like “DIY,” “home improvement,” and “renovating,” targeting homeowners or renters interested in tackling home projects themselves.


  • Keyword research is valuable, but don’t prioritize it over crafting a compelling and well-written title.
  • Use keywords strategically and naturally to enhance discoverability without compromising the title’s overall quality.
  • Consider the search intent behind keywords; what are readers truly looking for when using them?

By following these guidelines, you can leverage the power of keywords to improve your book’s visibility without sacrificing its creativity and appeal.

Tip 21: Solve a Problem

Many readers are drawn to books that address common challenges, aspirations, or questions they face in their own lives. By highlighting how your book tackles a relatable problem, you can pique their interest and encourage them to pick it up.

Here’s how to use this tip effectively:

  • Identify the core problem: What issue does your story explore? Is it overcoming fear, finding love, achieving a dream, or something else?
  • Frame it in a compelling way: Don’t just state the problem; present it in a way that resonates with your target audience and sparks their curiosity.
  • Hint at the solution: Without giving away the ending, suggest that your book offers guidance, hope, or inspiration for overcoming the problem.

Imagine you wrote a self-help book about overcoming social anxiety. Here are two potential titles:

  • Understanding Social Anxiety: A Guide to Self-Discovery and Confidence: This title is informative but doesn’t explicitly mention overcoming the problem.
  • Unleash Your Inner Voice: Conquer Social Anxiety and Embrace Connection: This title directly addresses the problem (“social anxiety”) and promises a solution (“conquer”).


  • Not all books need to solve a problem, but it can be a powerful tool to attract readers and set expectations.
  • Ensure the problem you present is relevant to your target audience and aligns with your book’s content.
  • Don’t overpromise or mislead readers; focus on the genuine value your book offers in addressing the problem.
  • Don’t spoil the ending or the specific resolution in the title.
  • Maintain a balance between intrigue and clarity; the problem should be clear, but not all the details revealed.
  • Consider using strong verbs and active voice to convey a sense of empowerment and possibility.
  • Think about the emotional impact of the problem and how you can evoke it in the title.
  • Consider using metaphors or symbolism related to the problem to add depth and intrigue.

By crafting a title that highlights the problem your book addresses and its potential solution, you can attract readers who are actively seeking guidance or a path forward, ultimately increasing the appeal and impact of your work.

Tip 22: Highlight a Central Conflict

A captivating title can instantly grab a reader’s attention by hinting at the core tension, struggle, or clash that drives your story forward. This approach works well across various genres, from action-packed thrillers to character-driven dramas, as it taps into the inherent human interest in conflict and resolution.

  • Identify the central conflict: Pinpoint the main challenge, disagreement, or obstacle that your characters face, shaping their actions and decisions.
  • Refine it into a powerful phrase: Capture the essence of the conflict in a concise and evocative way, using strong verbs and imagery.
  • Consider different angles: You can frame the conflict from the protagonist’s perspective, the antagonist’s, or even a broader thematic angle.

Imagine you wrote a historical fiction novel about a forbidden romance between a prince and a commoner during a time of civil war. Here are two potential titles:

  • A Crown Divided: This title mentions the setting and theme but doesn’t directly address the forbidden romance.
  • A Prince, a Peasant, and a Forbidden Love: This title highlights the central conflict (forbidden love) and its contrasting elements (prince vs. peasant).

Please see our Romance Book Title Generator for more ideas.


  • Avoid spoilers: The title should pique curiosity without revealing the entire plot.
  • Maintain genre relevance: Ensure the conflict aligns with reader expectations for your genre.
  • Strike a balance between intrigue and clarity: The conflict should be hinted at, not entirely cryptic.
  • Consider using figurative language like metaphors or similes to add depth and symbolism to the conflict.

By crafting a title that effectively highlights the central conflict of your story, you can captivate readers from the very beginning, promising an engaging journey through the challenges and triumphs your characters face.

Bonus Tip: Use Book Title Generators

While book title generators can’t guarantee a perfect title, they can be a valuable tool in the brainstorming process, sparking new ideas and helping you explore different directions. 


  • Use book title generators with caution; some may not be reliable or produce high-quality results.
  • Don’t plagiarize; use the generated titles as inspiration, not copy them directly.
  • The best title will ultimately come from your own creative vision and refinement.
  • Share the generated titles with others for feedback and see which ones resonate most.

By using book title generators thoughtfully and critically, you can add them to your arsenal of tools to overcome creative roadblocks and discover hidden gems that might spark the perfect title for your book.

Book Title Ideas

For some more inspiration, here are some book title ideas that we have brainstormed. Whether you are writing a romance, a thriller, a fantasy, or a memoir, you will find some inspiration here for your next bestseller:

  1. Beneath the Neon Glow
  2. Where Whispers Meet the Wind
  3. The Clockwork Detective
  4. The Alchemist’s Daughter
  5. The Painted Dragon
  6. The House on Widow’s Hill
  7. The Quantum Garden
  8. The Last Bookstore in London
  9. Secrets of the Midnight Garden
  10. Shadows of the Silver Moon
  11. Code Name Butterfly
  12. Echoes of an Empire
  13. The Island of Lost Dreams
  14. The Haunting Melody
  15. Moonlight Waltz
  16. The Chef’s Daughter
  17. The Girl Who Spoke to Shadows
  18. The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare
  19. The Code Breakers
  20. The Clockwork Heart

For more ideas, please use our book title generator.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still pondering the perfect title? Dive into our FAQ section, where we tackle your burning questions about crafting a captivating book name. From length and intrigue to genre expectations and avoiding clichés, we’ve got you covered.

What makes a good book title?

A good book title is a captivating invitation to your story. It should be short, memorable, and intriguing, leaving readers wanting to know more. It should reflect the book’s core themes and genre, while also being unique and avoiding clichés. Think of it as a spark of curiosity that ignites the imagination and promises a satisfying reading experience. Remember, a well-crafted title can be the difference between getting lost in the crowd and truly captivating your audience.

How do you write a good book title?

Unfortunately, there’s no single “proper” way to title a book, as it depends heavily on your specific story and target audience. However, there’s a process you can follow to increase your chances of finding the perfect title:

  1. Understand your story: Reflect on the core themes, genre, plot points, and characters. What makes your book unique? What kind of emotions do you want to evoke? Knowing these will guide your title choices.
  2. Consider your audience: Who are you writing for? What kind of titles do they typically enjoy? What are their expectations for your genre? Tailor your title to resonate with their interests.
  3. Brainstorm and experiment: Don’t be afraid to generate numerous options! Play with different words, phrases, and structures. Use tools like online thesauruses and rhyme dictionaries for inspiration.
  4. Apply key principles: Keep your title concise (ideally under 10 words), easy to pronounce and spell, and unique enough to stand out. Ensure it reflects the story’s essence without giving away too much.
  5. Seek feedback: Share your shortlisted titles with trusted readers or writing groups for their honest opinions. Their diverse perspectives can be invaluable.
  6. Read it out loud: Does the title sound good and flow naturally? Does it have a satisfying rhythm?
  7. Consider practicalities: Check for copyright restrictions before finalizing your title. Consider including relevant keywords that potential readers might use in their searches.

By following these steps and embracing creativity, you’ll be well on your way to finding a title that perfectly captures your book’s essence and entices readers to dive in.

How do I make my title stand out?

To make your title stand out, aim for a sweet spot between uniqueness and clarity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with wordplay, unexpected elements, or genre-bending approaches, but ensure it still conveys the core themes and resonates with your target audience. Think intriguing, not cryptic, and use strong verbs and imagery to paint a vivid picture. Remember, your title is a promise to the reader, so make it one they can’t resist!

Can 2 books have the same title?

Technically, yes, 2 books can have the same title. However, there are some important considerations and potential drawbacks to be aware of:

  • Legality: While titles themselves aren’t copyrightable, using an identical title for a book with substantially similar content could be considered copyright infringement.
  • Discoverability: Having the same title as another book, especially a well-known one, can make it harder for your book to be discovered. Readers searching for the other book might miss yours entirely.
  • Confusion: Sharing a title can lead to confusion among readers and potential buyers, thinking they’re the same book or sequel.
  • Credibility: A unique title reflects effort and originality, while a duplicate might raise questions about your creativity and research.
  • Alternatives: Consider adding subtitles, series names, or author names to differentiate your book. You can also explore similar-sounding but distinct titles that capture the essence of your story.

Ultimately, the decision to use the same title depends on your specific situation and risk tolerance. If you’re unsure, seeking advice from a publishing professional or literary agent is recommended.

What is the most popular book title?

Determining the “most popular” book title is tricky because popularity can be measured in various ways and across different time periods. However, here are some considerations:

  • Sales figures: The Bible is estimated to have sold the most copies globally, exceeding 5 billion. However, it’s a collection of religious texts rather than a single book.
  • Individual books: Looking at individual titles, classics like “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J.K. Rowling have sold hundreds of millions of copies worldwide.
  • Translations and adaptations: Some titles like “Cinderella” or “Romeo and Juliet” have been adapted and translated countless times, making them widely recognized across cultures and languages.
  • Impact and cultural influence: Titles like “Animal Farm” by George Orwell or “1984” might not have sold the most copies, but their impact on literature and society is undeniable.

Ultimately, the “most popular” book title depends on the chosen metric. While sales figures and individual book success offer one perspective, cultural influence and enduring popularity tell a different story.

What was the longest book title?

Currently, the longest recorded book title belongs to “The historical development of the Heart i.e. from its formation from Annelida: Clam worm, Seamouse, Lugworm, Megascolex, Tubifex, Pheretima, Freshwater leech, Earthworm, and its position in the animal kingdom, particularly in relation to the Mollusca and Annelida. Its blood-supply, nerve supply, muscular supply, and lymphatics. With notes upon a new method of dissecting the leech and the demonstration of a new dissecting instrument” by Vityala Yethindra. This mouthful of a title clocks in at a staggering 3,777 words or 26,021 characters.

 However, it’s important to note that:

  • This title is an outlier and not representative of most books.
  • Extremely long titles often serve specific purposes beyond aesthetics, such as providing comprehensive details about the book’s content.
  • While technically impressive, such titles can be impractical for marketing and reader experience.

 It’s generally recommended to keep book titles concise, memorable, and reflective of the story’s core idea. Focusing on these aspects will create a title that effectively attracts readers and resonates with them, ultimately serving your book better than aiming for sheer length.

How long is too long for a book title?

While there’s no strict rule about how long is “too long” for a book title, there are definitely some practical considerations to keep in mind:

  • Aim for under 10 words: This is a good rule of thumb for most genres, balancing conciseness with capturing the essence of the story.
  • Consider adding a subtitle: If you need more detail, a subtitle can provide further information without sacrificing the title’s impact.
  • Prioritise clarity and intrigue: Even with a shorter title, ensure it’s clear, engaging, and leaves the reader wanting to know more.
  • Discoverability: Search engines and online retailers typically display only a portion of the title. If it’s too long, the full title might be truncated, making it harder for readers to find your book.
  • Readability and Memorability: Long titles can be cumbersome to read and remember, making it less likely for readers to associate the title with your book later.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Shorter titles are easier to fit on book covers, promotional materials, and online listings, maximizing their impact.
  • Target audience: Some genres, like children’s books, may have expectations for shorter titles.
  • Genre conventions: Consider the typical title lengths within your chosen genre. While you can break conventions for a good reason, understand the potential impact.
  • Balance: Aim for a clear and concise title that accurately reflects your story without sacrificing necessary information.

Remember, the most important factor is to choose a title that effectively captures the essence of your story and resonates with your target audience. Don’t be afraid to experiment and test different options to find the perfect fit!

Should a book title also have a subtitle?

Whether or not your book needs a subtitle depends on various factors, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

 Use a subtitle when:

  • Your title is short and needs clarification: A subtitle can expand on the title’s meaning or provide crucial context, especially if it uses figurative language or symbolism.
  • Your genre typically uses them: Subtitles are common in certain genres like self-help, memoirs, non-fiction, and some fiction to further categorize the book’s content.
  • You want to highlight a key selling point: Subtitles can emphasise specific aspects like target audience, plot elements, or themes to attract the right readers.
  • You have a long title: A subtitle can break it down for easier reading and memorability.
  • It adds a punch or intrigue: A cleverly crafted subtitle can enhance the first impression and pique reader interest.

 Skip the subtitle when:

  • Your title is clear and self-explanatory: If the title conveys everything effectively, adding a subtitle might be redundant.
  • It feels forced or clunky: A subtitle shouldn’t sound like an afterthought or overshadow the title’s impact.
  • It gives away too much of the plot: Avoid spoilers or revealing major information that should be discovered within the story.
  • It sounds like a tagline: Remember, the subtitle clarifies the title, not replaces it with a promotional blurb.

Remember, a well-crafted subtitle can be a powerful tool, but use it judiciously and prioritize a title that stands strong on its own.


Finding the perfect book title to intrigue readers and reflect your story is no easy feat, but we hope these tips have sparked some fresh ideas and strategies. 

Now it’s your turn – share your own title creative process! What unexpected tactics or challenges have you encountered when naming your book? Have you found particular words or approaches that hook readers in your genre? How did you refine your options to find the ideal title that captured your book’s essence? Which books do you feel have particularly exceptional titles and why? 

We’d love to hear your experiences, insights, and anecdotes on the often-tangled journey to distil your masterpiece into the perfect few words. After all, every great title has its own origin story. So tell us in the comments: how do YOU come up with a good book title?

How To Come Up With A Good Book Title

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