Creativity Techniques

Creative writing tips
Creativity Techniques, Literacy Tips, Story Writing Tips
26+ Creative Writing Tips for Young Writers

So you want to be a writer? And not just any writer, you want to be a creative writer. The road to being a legendary storyteller won’t be easy, but with our creative writing tips for kids, you’ll be on the right track! Creative writing isn't just about writing stories. ...

Creative Classroom Exercises for Children with Special Needs
Creativity Techniques
5 Creative Classroom Exercises for Children with Special Needs

According to the most recent available statistics, 13% of all school students are special needs students. While our educational system is slowly advancing and making room for every child so they can learn the skills they need, a lot of teachers are still a little inexperienced in dealing with their ...

10 Ways to Awaken Creativity in Your Child
Creativity Techniques, Guest Posts, Literacy Tips
10 Ways to Awaken Creativity in Your Child

In a world dominated by video games and smartphones, it should come as no surprise that the modern parent is becoming increasingly concerned about their child’s creative development. After all, how can a child’s inherent thirst for creativity, exploration, and knowledge come to light if constantly overshadowed by the allure ...

5 ways to nurture creativity in your little one
Creativity Techniques, Guest Posts, Kids Activities
5 Ways to Nurture Creativity in Your Little One

After a while, the common refrain in every “exciting” summer vacation for every child is “I’m bored”. No matter what you suggest, your child will complain that they have nothing to do or nothing is interesting enough. Fortunately, with a few bright ideas, there are a number of activities you ...

things That Affect Your Childs Creativity
Creativity Techniques
5 Things That Can Affect Your Child’s Creativity and Imagination

Kids are truly amazing creatures. They are so full of curiosity, ideas and thoughts on life that they can make boredom disappear from any situation. However, from a very young age, kids are being put in boxes, taught how to think and stripped of their creativity. But if you want ...

Innovative Learning Methods that Awaken Creativity
Creativity Techniques, Guest Posts
Innovative Learning Methods that Awaken Creativity

It’s an unpleasant truth, but the education system around the world has been standing in place for centuries. Even now, the majority of school systems, from those working with toddlers to those preparing doctors and scientists to take on extremely important roles in their societies, are failing to light a ...

5 Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Kids
Creativity Techniques, Guest Posts
5 Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Kids

Contrary to popular belief, creativity is not strictly innate, it’s a skill just like any other than needs to be inspired, incentivized, and nurtured to fruition. In fact, creativity stems from a child’s inherent need for exploration and discovery, which is exactly why it’s so important for a young child ...

7 Creativity Lessons From Leonardo Da Vinci You Can Teach Your Kids imagine forest
Creativity Techniques, Guest Posts
7 Creativity Lessons From Leonardo Da Vinci You Can Teach Your Kids

Now, who wouldn't want to have their children grow up to become another Leonardo Da Vinci one day? In his book, How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day, Michael Gelb takes his readers into the mind of one of the 14th-century artist. He cites ...