Elf Name Generator
This elf name generator contains over 1,000 random elf names to choose from. Elves are human-like creatures, normally with pointed ears. They can come with many different traits, abilities and powers. For instance, certain elves may specialise in medicine and healing powers, while others are masters of archery and stealth. Elves also have many sub-breeds, such as aquatic elves are elves that have adapted to life underwater. While wood elves are elves that are found in forests or woodlands.
Elf Name Generator
In our elf name generator, we have included first names, last names, as well as titles and sub-breeds. You can try our generator out below:
You might also be interested in our Christmas elf name generator for some festive fun. For more fantasy elf names, check out this post:
- 500+ Female Elf Names For Fantasy Stories
- 500+ Male Elf Names For Fantasy Stories
- 500+ Dark Elf Names Master List
Create Your Own Elf Name
Before creating your own elf name we suggest you brainstorm some ideas about the personality of your elf character. When brainstorming these ideas, here are some questions to consider:
- Where was your elf born? Was it the woodlands, underwater, or someplace dark and terrible?
- What special abilities does the elf possess? Are they great at archery, healing, swordsmanship, magic etc.?
- What title does your elf have? They could be the ruler of a kingdom or a trained warrior.
- What role does the elf play in your story? Hero, villain, helper or anything else?
Once the brainstorming session is over, it’s time to create your own name (see printable below for some first and last name ideas).
- First, make a list of first name ideas. For Example Alary, Galbor, Vulmar or Elred. One way to make unique first names is to create a list of prefixes (i.e. Ael, Laf, Cas, Dae etc.). Then make a list of suffixes (i.e. am, har, thar, mah, zair etc.). Then combine these two lists to create a fantasy style first name.
- Then make a list of last names. Examples include Magtris, Obama, Jofir, or Farbella. Again you can make a list of prefixes (i.e. Alean, Gysse, Farb, Mag, Kile etc.). Then a list of suffixes (i.e. altin, are, tris, ella, mitore etc.). Then combine these to create a unique last name for your elf.
- Make a list of potential titles. Titles can include: Ruler, Counselor, Champion or Assassin.
- Now make a list of elf sub-breeds. Some popular elf types or sub-breeds include dark, wood, blood and high elves.
- Finally, put the ideas together to create your unique elf name. Here are our examples: Alary Magtris, Ruler of the Dark Elves or Vulmar Jofir, Champion of the Wood Elves.
You might also find our fantasy character name generator useful for naming your character:
Struggling to come up with a first name or the last name for your elf? Use this printable chart below to generate unique first and last names for your fantasy elves:
To use the printable generator above, simply combine steps 1 and 2 for the first name. And then combine steps 3 and 4 for the last name.
By following our tips and technique above, we hope that you can generate some really cool elf name ideas to use in your stories, or even when role-playing and playing games like Dungeons and Dragons (DnD).
You can also share your elf name ideas with us in the comments at the end of this post.
Random Elf Names
- Duaia Dirthvirrea, Captain of the Moon Elves
- Eirlam Norreraheal, Slave of the Dark Elves
- Ilvain Baequiraheal, Pathfinder of the Blood Elves
- Anonal Vahorn, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Lueevar Alearaheal, Warrior of the Snow Elves
- Garsan Arkeneatlarn, Champion of the Valley Elves
- Korzair Ousseaanea, Pathfinder of the Night Elves
- Arnma Killesithek, Pathfinder of the Aquatic Elves
- Duethal Kennyrathem, Earl of the Wood Elves
- Kayr Orlealtin, Champion of the High Elves
- Haquis Zylkian, Empress of the Wood Elves
- Ahavel Heasisithek, Friend of the Snow Elves
- Duith Eyllissithek, Warrior of the Moon Elves
- Amarail Rilynnaear, Leader of the Night Elves
- Dreus Heasitlithar, Assassin of the High Elves
- Ansronna Orleanea, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Ilam CyGreenitryn, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Feraaha Melithrae, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Baelro Ousseaitryn, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Kanlan Arabirretyn, Empress of the Night Elves
- Kethual Daden, Healer of the Dark Elves
- Calibrar Myrthathem, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Eilist Arabieplith, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Garri Dwinanea, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Alhar Aleathym, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Eirshe Melithrae, Slave of the Aquatic Elves
- Amumil Dirthtlithar, Pathfinder of the Dark Elves
- Ferainar Arabiitryn, Earl of the Snow Elves
- Clalyn Orleelrvis, Spellsword of the Moon Elves
- Clalath Myrthannia, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Eirah Freaniatear, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Cylys Hlaeitryn, Captain of the Blood Elves
- Ilther Arabieplith, Leader of the Moon Elves
- Dreel Dryearrretyn, Assassin of the Aquatic Elves
- Koriten CyGreennddare, Spellsword of the Aquatic Elves
- Duis Baequimitore, Assassin of the Wood Elves
- Harah Ousseaettln, Empress of the Moon Elves
- Aelsel Dwinannia, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Elesti Arkeneamitore, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Claihel CyGreenraheal, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Andrimme Kennyrtlithar, Follower of the Aquatic Elves
- Lamahal Hunithraheal, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Gilavain Arabiaear, Ruler of the Blood Elves
- Laflys Baequirae, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Azaro Orleelrvis, Princess of the Wild Elves
- Arnrae Auvreaarnith, Assassin of the Blood Elves
- Ilther Eyllissithek, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Jatas Hunithitryn, Champion of the High Elves
- Gaelavel Auvrealylth, Captain of the Wood Elves
- Elrath Gyssealtin, Watchman of the Deep Elves
- Clathas Arabimitore, Slave of the Wild Elves
- Aelerl Eyllisundlin, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Anather Arkeneaitryn, Friend of the Snow Elves
- Claimil Teasentlithar, Champion of the Night Elves
- Daemah Eythernddare, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Huri Maernnddare, Slave of the High Elves
- Cyasar Auvreaghymn, Warrior of the Wild Elves
- Firel Auvreatylar, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Claavain Myrthettln, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Caeliten Arkeneaettln, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Dusha Killevirrea, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Fibrar Dryeareplith, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Eravin Eythertylar, Leader of the Deep Elves
- Iaemar Gysseraheal, Pathfinder of the Wood Elves
- Jarethal Bannitylar, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Ahwyn Dirthitryn, Counselor of the Dark Elves
- Firel CyGreenettln, Healer of the Grey Elves
- Anoth Teasenvirrea, Guardian of the Wood Elves
- Fisanis Hunithraheal, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Ever Melithurdrenn, Healer of the Snow Elves
- Iaather Arabiitryn, Captain of the Snow Elves
- Lueire Norrenddare, Friend of the Night Elves
- Ilther Hlaeaear, Captain of the Blood Elves
- Ahasar Arkeneaaltin, Slave of the Dark Elves
- Amaila Aleanitryn, Pathfinder of the Night Elves
- Dhoasel Grepetor, Ruler of the Blood Elves
- Drevain Dwinundlin, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Evque Norremitore, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Clamah Eythertylar, Assassin of the Wild Elves
- Koehrah Aleanvirrea, Counselor of the Deep Elves
- Duaia Ousseaundlin, Keeper of the Deep Elves
- Kanian Maernelrvis, Ruler of the Aquatic Elves
- Amanis Tyrnddare, Follower of the Aquatic Elves
- Amist Eyllisanea, Protector of the Night Elves
- Amlith Maywaters, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Gaelvain Myrthurdrenn, Spellsword of the Moon Elves
- Ahine Auvreaneldth, Ruler of the Grey Elves
- Lueer Bannithym, Princess of the Sun Elves
- Daemil Morfir, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Lueluth Killelylth, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Kanti Heasisithek, Ruler of the Aquatic Elves
- Cortae Eytherraheal, Watchman of the Grey Elves
- Gilsan Heasithym, Counselor of the Deep Elves
- Ahraee Dirthundlin, Guardian of the High Elves
- Ansrrae Hlaetlarn, Watchman of the Winged Elves
- Keravar Ulafaren, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Casudrim Eyllisundlin, Keeper of the Dark Elves
- Kerraee Baequimitore, Assassin of the Blood Elves
- Firilam Baequiannia, Keeper of the Winged Elves
- Eiriss Dirthurdrenn, Spellsword of the Moon Elves
- Ahdrim Orleraheal, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Dulirr Heasiurdrenn, Earl of the Blood Elves
- Ilaera Melithanea, Leader of the Wood Elves
- Daemil Aleanghymn, Keeper of the Blood Elves
- Gilri Freanitlithar, Counselor of the Dark Elves
- Gildar Maernaltin, Empress of the Valley Elves
- Koehlys Orlethym, Pathfinder of the Moon Elves
- Ilther Dirthmitore, Leader of the Dark Elves
- Evin Tyratear, Spellsword of the Winged Elves
- Daeana Heasieplith, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Casre Killethym, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Feraith Maernitryn, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Jaimil Dirthtlithar, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Baelelis Kennyratear, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Kerraee Aleanurdrenn, Pathfinder of the High Elves
- Feraashk Rilynnlylth, Protector of the Snow Elves
- Jaasar Freanisithek, Slave of the Deep Elves
- Dhohar Teasenvirrea, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Lueahal Orlerretyn, Earl of the Aquatic Elves
- Erdul Gyssesithek, Healer of the Blood Elves
- Angral Teasenraheal, Healer of the Sun Elves
- Amvain Arabiundlin, Earl of the Sun Elves
- Eillon Dwinrae, Warrior of the Moon Elves
- Casaias Tyrnddare, Spellsword of the Winged Elves
- Arnhar Norreannia, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Kaitas Dryeartlithar, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Luelie Aleatlarn, Slave of the Deep Elves
- Eilanis Kennyrrretyn, Leader of the Blood Elves
- Afrail CyGreenrretyn, Warrior of the High Elves
- Hutria Kennyrnddare, Champion of the Dark Elves
- Eviel Norrenddare, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Arìeti Teasenaltin, Keeper of the Sun Elves
- Lasal Maernneldth, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Korihar Eyllistylar, Watchman of the Dark Elves
- Lamahal Hlaelylth, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Aerther Elgrove, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Amdrimme Aleaarnith, Healer of the Valley Elves
- Firith Melithlylth, Spellsword of the Aquatic Elves
- Iazara Rilynnghymn, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Elspar Killeundlin, Empress of the Aquatic Elves
- Besinal Hunithghymn, Friend of the Moon Elves
- Aeraias Kennyranea, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Duaia Teasenraheal, Princess of the Wood Elves
- Illyn Heasidlues, Captain of the Wild Elves
- Koehsel Baequiannia, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Laflirr Banniraheal, Follower of the High Elves
- Baelor Aleanatear, Follower of the High Elves
- Ilen Dryeareplith, Assassin of the Dark Elves
- Lama Fakian, Friend of the Dark Elves
- Kaneti Arabieplith, Protector of the Snow Elves
- Ahwyn Arkeneanddare, Protector of the Winged Elves
- Kyir Heasisithek, Spellsword of the Dark Elves
- Lafsar Rilynnelrvis, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Lueine Hunithghymn, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Firran Melithrae, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Ilonna Dryearurdrenn, Empress of the Dark Elves
- Myafel Ousseaettln, Ruler of the High Elves
- Kaira CyGreenettln, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Lathal Killevirrea, Slave of the Night Elves
- Arae Maernneldth, Watchman of the Winged Elves
- Koehoro Kennyrnddare, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Jaraethus Elgarwyn, Warrior of the Dark Elves
- Ernes Arkeneaneldth, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Afran Tyratear, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Eirel Norrearnith, Ruler of the Valley Elves
- Elrad Baequielrvis, Captain of the Aquatic Elves
- Arnavia Tyraltin, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Garsan Freanirretyn, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Arthus Oussearae, Healer of the Moon Elves
- Haan Myrthvirrea, Earl of the Aquatic Elves
- Casya Auvreanddare, Friend of the Sun Elves
- Araith Fakian, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Eilist Dirthtlithar, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Clazara Tyrettln, Champion of the Wild Elves
- Haia Teasenurdrenn, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Lafyth Aleaettln, Earl of the Grey Elves
- Lamnal Freaninddare, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Anrail Maywaters, Pathfinder of the Winged Elves
- Eirir Aleaundlin, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Fitas Orletlarn, Guardian of the Grey Elves
- Kernae Dryearvalsa, Assassin of the Moon Elves
- Amaiel Arkeneaettln, Friend of the Wild Elves
- Cyulam Alearretyn, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Kaanis Maernaltin, Pathfinder of the Snow Elves
- Jarela Baequiatear, Follower of the Grey Elves
- Casre Banniettln, Keeper of the Valley Elves
- Haan Aleaettln, Leader of the Dark Elves
- Kertae Magnelis, Follower of the Blood Elves
- Anather Kennyrarnith, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Ahahal Eythermitore, Healer of the Night Elves
- Angnin Myrthmitore, Ruler of the Sun Elves
- Iaemar Eyllisannia, Earl of the Aquatic Elves
- Ever Oussealylth, Healer of the Aquatic Elves
- Jarfel Ebony, Slave of the Grey Elves
- Cortae Kennyrthym, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Alonal Aleanathem, Counselor of the Dark Elves
- Humus Shelberry, Ruler of the Sun Elves
- Baelor Arabimitore, Watchman of the Moon Elves
- Daeavain Dwinvirrea, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Ellam Krisgella, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Gileti Rilynndlues, Assassin of the High Elves
- Ernes Eytherathem, Watchman of the High Elves
- Ansraera Arkeneadlues, Princess of the Deep Elves
- Laavar Myrthelrvis, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Lueahal CyGreendlues, Pathfinder of the Wild Elves
- Lueeth Dryearrretyn, Protector of the Night Elves
- Casik CyGreenettln, Princess of the Wild Elves
- Ilavain Eytheritryn, Protector of the Wild Elves
- Caelemar Perdan, Keeper of the Wild Elves
- Casque Gysseanea, Pathfinder of the Winged Elves
- Aeryn Banniarnith, Champion of the Valley Elves
- Arìevar Banniathem, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Jaavia Dirthtylar, Assassin of the Winged Elves
- Antria Orleeplith, Healer of the High Elves
- Arlirr Arabidlues, Counselor of the Night Elves
- Azaspar Tyrdlues, Friend of the Sun Elves
- Jaraia Moonbryn, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Elfel Eyllisannia, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Gilil Kennyrtlarn, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Laazair Aleanvirrea, Assassin of the Blood Elves
- Koranis Norrearnith, Friend of the High Elves
- Kalam Baequitlithar, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Keryr Dirthtlithar, Pathfinder of the High Elves
- Drezair Kennyrvirrea, Assassin of the Wild Elves
- Kanshe Baequivirrea, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Ansrnyn Eytherannia, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Giltria Arabiannia, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Ansrnyn Banniurdrenn, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Cyaira Uralendan, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Kerael Dirthnddare, Spellsword of the Wood Elves
- Cyre Dirthundlin, Guardian of the Blood Elves
- Amen Killethym, Assassin of the Winged Elves
- Ilther Eythertlarn, Captain of the Wild Elves
- Jarfel Hunitharnith, Ruler of the High Elves
- Dhoeath Uralendan, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Ahraee Dwinrae, Pathfinder of the Night Elves
- Kornes Hlaethym, Friend of the Wild Elves
- Koehoro Rilynnettln, Ruler of the High Elves
- Afean Ousseaundlin, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Laar Hunithettln, Follower of the Wood Elves
- Jarela Dirthurdrenn, Warrior of the Night Elves
- Afelis Myrththym, Spellsword of the Valley Elves
- Jarwyn Rilynnitryn, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Corlirr Dirthraheal, Slave of the Night Elves
- Laflie Gyssemitore, Follower of the Deep Elves
- Baelro Heasiettln, Pathfinder of the Moon Elves
- Amnyn Dryearettln, Earl of the High Elves
- Baeltas White, Slave of the Aquatic Elves
- Caelluth Dryearrae, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Caelethal Baequitlithar, Ruler of the Aquatic Elves
- Iaemar Arkeneanddare, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Kethil Freaniundlin, Follower of the Aquatic Elves
- Amthus Hunithtlarn, Earl of the Snow Elves
- Arìine Teasenmitore, Princess of the Deep Elves
- Feranin Myrthnddare, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Besasar Teasenurdrenn, Warrior of the Sun Elves
- Corlys Hunithundlin, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Gilerl CyGreenitryn, Captain of the Aquatic Elves
- Feralam Melithundlin, Leader of the Dark Elves
- Cylys Jofir, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Baelavia Killevirrea, Keeper of the Wild Elves
- Huiten Hlaevalsa, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Gaellian Teasenaltin, Guardian of the Grey Elves
- Arara Aleaettln, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Daeavain Wilwyn, Princess of the Wild Elves
- Koranis Dwinvalsa, Champion of the Dark Elves
- Baelitas Norreanea, Empress of the Moon Elves
- Gileti Bannithym, Leader of the Blood Elves
- Duran Rilynnvalsa, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Aerahel Eytherrae, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Ilaera Oussearae, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Jarlihn Eyllisneldth, Counselor of the Aquatic Elves
- Cyash Dryearraheal, Pathfinder of the Aquatic Elves
- Casefel Myrthtlarn, Healer of the Night Elves
- Fivia Dwinelrvis, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Arìash Baequimitore, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Elesti Myrthathem, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Daemah Shelberry, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Lamvanna Myrthneldth, Leader of the High Elves
- Jaimil CyGreenettln, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Eirro Bannirae, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Ansrira Plywyn, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Claria Arabiundlin, Keeper of the Wild Elves
- Callith Eyllisathem, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Ellan Dryearvalsa, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Fiuath Orlearnith, Slave of the Wood Elves
- Amaila Hlaeitryn, Friend of the Blood Elves
- Kanethal Baequiannia, Keeper of the Moon Elves
- Besihal Freaniundlin, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Arnya Eyllismitore, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Ahraee White, Empress of the Blood Elves
- Fisavel Norrenddare, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Evelis Rilynnvalsa, Champion of the Valley Elves
- Finae Arkeneaettln, Watchman of the Grey Elves
- Anluth Rilynnaear, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Arerl Eyllisthym, Watchman of the Wild Elves
- Eirdul Glavien, Pathfinder of the Dark Elves
- Laala Bannineldth, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Casaias Tyrthym, Guardian of the Valley Elves
- Eirana Kennyrthym, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Huthal Rilynnrae, Spellsword of the Deep Elves
- Aeloth Kennyrthym, Keeper of the Winged Elves
- Aelah Maernghymn, Slave of the Night Elves
- Koehlua Dryearrae, Earl of the High Elves
- Ahraee Gyssedlues, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Calasel Maernundlin, Follower of the High Elves
- Ever Arabighymn, Empress of the Grey Elves
- Jarira Teasenneldth, Captain of the Sun Elves
- Callith Baequiitryn, Assassin of the Blood Elves
- Baeltha Melithatear, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Kalam Heasithym, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Huasel Arkenearretyn, Warrior of the Night Elves
- Lafdre Auvreaghymn, Earl of the Wood Elves
- Drevin Dirthlylth, Friend of the Deep Elves
- Angellon Baequitlithar, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Calinal Baequiannia, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Arara Eytheranea, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Gilian Ousseaanea, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Cyvan Gyssealtin, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Kalon Arkeneanddare, Empress of the Sun Elves
- Arnel Orleelrvis, Spellsword of the Aquatic Elves
- Casllinn Gysserae, Earl of the Blood Elves
- Lamthas Maerneplith, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Azaya Bannineldth, Guardian of the Wood Elves
- Amibrar Dwinelrvis, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Amine Dwintylar, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Daeya Aleanannia, Follower of the High Elves
- Coren CyGreeneplith, Warrior of the Night Elves
- Aluhar Aleanaltin, Earl of the Grey Elves
- Anluth Orleelrvis, Captain of the Snow Elves
- Iaather Heasineldth, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Amvain Aleaundlin, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Duethal Ulafaren, Leader of the Winged Elves
- Fiuath Orleatear, Pathfinder of the Sun Elves
- Dhoisal Eyllisundlin, Spellsword of the Winged Elves
- Feraael Myrthaear, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Dhosha Kennyratear, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Huthal Dirthelrvis, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Kornis Kennyrthym, Earl of the Aquatic Elves
- Iaele Ousseasithek, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Kerahel Hunitheplith, Warrior of the Deep Elves
- Cynes Rilynnitryn, Friend of the High Elves
- Kanala grey, Champion of the Dark Elves
- Ilen Teasentylar, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Arllinn Banniraheal, Healer of the High Elves
- Iaavel Myrthneldth, Warrior of the High Elves
- Iaellon Aleaarnith, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Gaellys Norrevalsa, Warrior of the Deep Elves
- Erather Kennyrathem, Captain of the Wild Elves
- Casro Arkeneaatear, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Gaelimil Gysseanea, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Jaaruil Aleaghymn, Princess of the Sun Elves
- Eirro Banniettln, Assassin of the Valley Elves
- Kerael Bannineldth, Pathfinder of the Dark Elves
- Feraiat Fearmer, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Harah Faren, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Casrahd Heasiannia, Princess of the Sun Elves
- Claavain Maerneplith, Slave of the Wild Elves
- Jarilam Myrthrretyn, Watchman of the High Elves
- Alonal Tyraear, Watchman of the Snow Elves
- Eirnis Dirthurdrenn, Pathfinder of the Dark Elves
- Dreia Wynlen, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Huam Melitharnith, Princess of the Wild Elves
- Dholia Myrtheplith, Empress of the Grey Elves
- Eilodar Huniththym, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Kerlirr Aleaatear, Assassin of the Moon Elves
- Fisavel Aleanraheal, Ruler of the Wild Elves
- Jalean Wynlen, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Kethil Arabidlues, Protector of the Wild Elves
- Gaelvain Dwinvalsa, Follower of the Sun Elves
- Ansrrae Auvreaurdrenn, Ruler of the Aquatic Elves
- Kerrad Hlaeitryn, Healer of the Aquatic Elves
- Drevain Arkeneasithek, Counselor of the Snow Elves
- Gilavain Rilynntlarn, Keeper of the Blood Elves
- Alhar Dryearurdrenn, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Afshe Beimaris, Keeper of the Snow Elves
- Fisasar Ulafaren, Healer of the High Elves
- Kyitas Dwinarnith, Warrior of the Wood Elves
- Cyreth Rilynnraheal, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Korral Aleanraheal, Guardian of the Deep Elves
- Anoth Hlaeitryn, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Afran Melithvirrea, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Gilonal Arkeneadlues, Counselor of the Dark Elves
- Gaellys Hunithtlithar, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Azaro Gysserae, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Amlith Ousseaeplith, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Dreian Dirthettln, Captain of the Night Elves
- Amaoro Eythereplith, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Alil Heasisithek, Pathfinder of the Deep Elves
- Korzair CyGreenaltin, Warrior of the Wood Elves
- Arnara Arabidlues, Protector of the Snow Elves
- Feranin Norreannia, Keeper of the Grey Elves
- Caelnin Dirthelrvis, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Elrad Banniaear, Spellsword of the Dark Elves
- Feraael Eytheratear, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Jarlon Jofir, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Azarahd Arabiurdrenn, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Jainal CyGreeneplith, Keeper of the Dark Elves
- Claria Aleatlarn, Guardian of the Valley Elves
- Gaelibrar Arabiundlin, Assassin of the High Elves
- Angdre Heasiannia, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Alruil Teasenathem, Pathfinder of the Valley Elves
- Eilvain Baequidlues, Follower of the Aquatic Elves
- Aerlean Norreghymn, Assassin of the Grey Elves
- Alhar Orletlarn, Empress of the Valley Elves
- Keribrar Dirthlylth, Empress of the High Elves
- Jaaira Killenddare, Healer of the Night Elves
- Azaya Aleaghymn, Slave of the Deep Elves
- Casthar Rilynnettln, Slave of the Aquatic Elves
- Dhovin Teasenurdrenn, Keeper of the High Elves
- Azather Banniurdrenn, Watchman of the Dark Elves
- Arnvara Banniettln, Friend of the Night Elves
- Allis Eytheratear, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Allyth White, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Drehar Dryearsithek, Assassin of the Sun Elves
- Amen Eyllismitore, Empress of the Wood Elves
- Korrahd Reydan, Earl of the Winged Elves
- Besihal Rilynnvalsa, Warrior of the Sun Elves
- Caszara Dryearettln, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Ansrlys CyGreenthym, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Gilerl Maernaear, Empress of the Aquatic Elves
- Kyal Bannieplith, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Ansrrae Melithrae, Champion of the Snow Elves
- Amibrar Eyllisraheal, Friend of the Sun Elves
- Arnhar Shelberry, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Ermil Aleananea, Princess of the Wild Elves
- Baelitas Maernarnith, Friend of the Blood Elves
- Ilavain Baequiraheal, Warrior of the Deep Elves
- Besal Heasitlithar, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Jarilam Teasenarnith, Empress of the Sun Elves
- Anonal Fynwaters, Watchman of the Moon Elves
- Laoro Bannianea, Counselor of the Deep Elves
- Baelavia Teasenraheal, Watchman of the Wild Elves
- Claethal stonewater, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Iaemar Hunithsithek, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Cashar Dirthdlues, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Dreellon Heasineldth, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Kanshe Teasenathem, Follower of the Night Elves
- Eravain Aleaannia, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Caelnin Orleundlin, Healer of the Grey Elves
- Amine Aleaettln, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Eirather Teasensithek, Slave of the Grey Elves
- Aelvar Myrthatear, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Gaellis Eytherathem, Healer of the Winged Elves
- Duith Norreghymn, Keeper of the Deep Elves
- Duudrim Ousseaitryn, Counselor of the Aquatic Elves
- Kaar Eyllisundlin, Assassin of the Moon Elves
- Firaha Arabivirrea, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Azaa Norreghymn, Pathfinder of the Wild Elves
- Beserl Gyssemitore, Warrior of the Dark Elves
- Laazair Kennyrtlarn, Slave of the High Elves
- Firas Arkeneaaear, Watchman of the Wild Elves
- Koehsel grey, Leader of the Night Elves
- Ahitas Killenddare, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Iaaha Alearretyn, Princess of the Grey Elves
- Eilanis CyGreenitryn, Champion of the Blood Elves
- Arìeath Melithanea, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Arìine Tyraltin, Princess of the Sun Elves
- Jaitae Grepetor, Warrior of the Snow Elves
- Azaro Maernettln, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Erik CyGreenraheal, Spellsword of the Aquatic Elves
- Eillon CyGreenettln, Slave of the Night Elves
- Calaera CyGreenghymn, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Angthal Dwinrae, Slave of the High Elves
- Jariel Banniraheal, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Aelvin Melithundlin, Protector of the High Elves
- Arìlyth Myrtheplith, Healer of the Valley Elves
- Fiir Orledlues, Leader of the Winged Elves
- Kornis Dwinsithek, Ruler of the Valley Elves
- Angevar Eytherthym, Friend of the Deep Elves
- Aerabrar Arkeneaarnith, Pathfinder of the Snow Elves
- Corquis Ardhave, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Garian Baequisithek, Counselor of the Sun Elves
- Casoro Melithatear, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Calvar Norrealtin, Guardian of the Dark Elves
- Clazara Killelylth, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Corana Myrththym, Warrior of the Wild Elves
- Evibrar Dwinurdrenn, Guardian of the Valley Elves
- Cyaias Lorakalyn, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Eilae Gysseghymn, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Amvain Arabieplith, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Gilafel Baequiraheal, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Ilvin Myrtheplith, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Garith Maernnddare, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Ilvanna Arabivirrea, Follower of the Winged Elves
- Ansraethus Banniettln, Protector of the Wild Elves
- Eilnin Hlaeelrvis, Empress of the Night Elves
- Fitas Melithundlin, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Duith Freaninddare, Guardian of the Dark Elves
- Iaael Orleaear, Leader of the Night Elves
- Jarrad Hlaerretyn, Guardian of the Dark Elves
- Anri Heasiundlin, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Haavin CyGreenitryn, Watchman of the Night Elves
- Duyn Kennyrnddare, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Arndar Melithurdrenn, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Kanian Rilynnitryn, Leader of the Night Elves
- Erel Kelgolor, Leader of the Deep Elves
- Ansrten Ousseaitryn, Earl of the High Elves
- Haavin Eytherrretyn, Keeper of the Wild Elves
- Gareth Arkeneaaltin, Earl of the High Elves
- Azather Eytherthym, Spellsword of the Snow Elves
- Huri Gyssedlues, Healer of the Grey Elves
- Kethaith Heasidlues, Empress of the Grey Elves
- Huelis Kennyrurdrenn, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Luedeth Oussearae, Warrior of the Snow Elves
- Lafsah Maernraheal, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Ansrerl Kennyrnddare, Keeper of the Snow Elves
- Casen Dwinanea, Champion of the Wild Elves
- Azaele Eytherrretyn, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Kaele Rilynnneldth, Spellsword of the Deep Elves
- Kethlis Arkeneaaear, Princess of the Blood Elves
- Aronal Orleurdrenn, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Eilnin Killearnith, Leader of the Deep Elves
- Daemah Kennyrarnith, Guardian of the Wood Elves
- Fisasar Hlaelylth, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Lamuhar Gysserae, Empress of the Wild Elves
- Gardre Eyllisitryn, Princess of the Dark Elves
- Kanlian Orletlarn, Pathfinder of the Wood Elves
- Corilam Morfir, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Kyir Elgrove, Follower of the Deep Elves
- Cynes Perdan, Healer of the Winged Elves
- Alela Maernaltin, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Arìir Orleundlin, Healer of the Dark Elves
- Ermahs Ousseamitore, Captain of the High Elves
- Ilira Arkeneaarnith, Protector of the Wood Elves
- Jaitae Aleandlues, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Cyrad CyGreensithek, Ruler of the Winged Elves
- Fiiss Freaniundlin, Slave of the Moon Elves
- Ilua Auvreatlithar, Ruler of the Deep Elves
- Ansrlys Aleanatear, Spellsword of the Snow Elves
- Gilhar Myrthelrvis, Watchman of the Night Elves
- Kymus Norreghymn, Counselor of the Wood Elves
- Azarahd Eytheritryn, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Dreavel Aleaundlin, Follower of the Night Elves
- Fisran Triskan, Leader of the Night Elves
- Gilianna Orleghymn, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Aflyth Teasenatear, Empress of the Valley Elves
- Ilen Faren, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Baelim Arkeneaanea, Guardian of the High Elves
- Corihel Arabiathem, Empress of the Deep Elves
- Koehsel CyGreentylar, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Jaitae Arabimitore, Keeper of the Snow Elves
- Evibrar Dryearvalsa, Protector of the Moon Elves
- Corlan Killeurdrenn, Ruler of the Wood Elves
- Aeryn Bannitlithar, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Gilma Eyllisdlues, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Korral Arkeneaitryn, Assassin of the Night Elves
- Aflon Arabinddare, Assassin of the Wood Elves
- Jalean Dirthtylar, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Luedeth Melithundlin, Ruler of the High Elves
- Lamumil Heasiurdrenn, Leader of the Moon Elves
- Keryn Baequitlithar, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Ahwyn Elgarwyn, Keeper of the Blood Elves
- Azadar Melitharnith, Spellsword of the Grey Elves
- Besal Aleaundlin, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Firhar Dryearurdrenn, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Bestria Dwinrae, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Afther Dryearrretyn, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Ahrae Faren, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Kernae Hunithtlarn, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Huefel Norretylar, Earl of the Blood Elves
- Angik Wynstone, Captain of the Sun Elves
- Elen Hlaeathem, Follower of the Aquatic Elves
- Kethihar Melithurdrenn, Slave of the Deep Elves
- Claethal Dwinarnith, Captain of the Night Elves
- Cordul Eytheratear, Warrior of the Dark Elves
- Claria Dryearundlin, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Amvain Hunithtlithar, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Gaelibrar Killesithek, Warrior of the Snow Elves
- Evibrar Gyssearnith, Counselor of the Wood Elves
- Gileti Baequitlarn, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Gilri Norrealtin, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Gillon Heasieplith, Spellsword of the Wood Elves
- Jaellon Banniundlin, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Arsel Eyllismitore, Keeper of the Deep Elves
- Caelaera Hlaetlarn, Empress of the Night Elves
- Gileti Tyratear, Captain of the Snow Elves
- Afrail Arabiurdrenn, Ruler of the Wood Elves
- Ahothi Braveheart, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Kanti Orleatear, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Callanna Dirthdlues, Princess of the Sun Elves
- Arìwyn Killeurdrenn, Empress of the Snow Elves
- Jaque Rilynnraheal, Empress of the Blood Elves
- Corlys Gyssesithek, Slave of the Dark Elves
- Amine Aleanlylth, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Eirlam Dirthraheal, Princess of the Blood Elves
- Elis Freanineldth, Counselor of the Wood Elves
- Baelvain Maernelrvis, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Amlith Maernettln, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Jaellon Rilynnelrvis, Guardian of the Wood Elves
- Calvin Auvreanddare, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Claria Arkeneaatear, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Caeltas Arkeneasithek, Spellsword of the Dark Elves
- Lafavia Arabinddare, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Lamari Hunithtlarn, Leader of the Blood Elves
- Casik Freanivalsa, Empress of the Night Elves
- Lasal Myrthvirrea, Earl of the Winged Elves
- Gilsan Hunithelrvis, Counselor of the Dark Elves
- Arelis CyGreenthym, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Luelie CyGreentlithar, Guardian of the Deep Elves
- Aneath Norreneldth, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Daetril Fakian, Leader of the High Elves
- Firran Banniathem, Protector of the Sun Elves
- Haan Maernitryn, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Koehlua Dirthtlithar, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Amvar Maernitryn, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Firia Killelylth, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Eirila Killesithek, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Arìeti Maernelrvis, Protector of the Wood Elves
- Ahlam Oussearaheal, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Gaelvain Hunithatear, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Dukash Tyrraheal, Protector of the Aquatic Elves
- Casudrim Norrevirrea, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Fisran Freanitlithar, Assassin of the Blood Elves
- Fisavel Dryearthym, Princess of the Dark Elves
- Eirrae Norreraheal, Watchman of the Grey Elves
- Firdar grey, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Eranis Heasineldth, Friend of the Blood Elves
- Fiela Arkeneamitore, Assassin of the Aquatic Elves
- Baellys Arkeneaghymn, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Ahahal Freaniundlin, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Gileti Myrthneldth, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Anevar Dwinannia, Healer of the Sun Elves
- Kethire Hunithghymn, Empress of the Deep Elves
- Drezair Heasidlues, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Garlean Kennyrvirrea, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Firith Wilwyn, Captain of the Moon Elves
- Arinar Tyrnddare, Friend of the High Elves
- Azaya Aleanurdrenn, Spellsword of the Moon Elves
- Eirila Kennyrlylth, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Ansral Arabiannia, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Haan Tyrthym, Protector of the High Elves
- Kanshe Arabiatear, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Kyia Banniettln, Ruler of the Blood Elves
- Finine Dirthelrvis, Empress of the Aquatic Elves
- Gaeluhar Myrthanea, Ruler of the Moon Elves
- Jaro Myrthanea, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Amsel Oussearaheal, Champion of the Winged Elves
- Dhonin CyGreenanea, Slave of the High Elves
- Arnavia Arkeneasithek, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Arvar Tyrlylth, Empress of the Night Elves
- Gaelyn Baequielrvis, Empress of the Wood Elves
- Baelro Aleanatear, Ruler of the Wild Elves
- Fivia CyGreensithek, Captain of the Winged Elves
- Feraianna Kennyrannia, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Bessar Tyrraheal, Counselor of the Wild Elves
- Corisal Tyraltin, Guardian of the Wood Elves
- Jaasar Tyrtlithar, Spellsword of the Snow Elves
- Casik Tyrettln, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Jaravia Kennyrannia, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Amarah Tyrelrvis, Follower of the Deep Elves
- Dhoisal Arkeneaettln, Healer of the Moon Elves
- Amvain CyGreenaltin, Princess of the Deep Elves
- Feraith Myrthvirrea, Keeper of the Blood Elves
- Ahraee Aleananea, Watchman of the Valley Elves
- Kernae Myrthrae, Protector of the Aquatic Elves
- Evara Eytherannia, Guardian of the Dark Elves
- Korianna CyGreentylar, Assassin of the Valley Elves
- Koranis Dirthraheal, Ruler of the Wood Elves
- Callith Dryearettln, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Dreaith Arkeneaarnith, Warrior of the Sun Elves
- Arerl Orletlarn, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Azaiss Teasenneldth, Pathfinder of the Sun Elves
- Arinar Huniththym, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Koehsel Eyllisannia, Slave of the Wild Elves
- Azaevar Alearretyn, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Ketheth Teasensithek, Captain of the Wood Elves
- Giltria Elgarwyn, Champion of the Snow Elves
- Finin CyGreenanea, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Andrimme Ergella, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Elibrar Norreundlin, Leader of the Blood Elves
- Finae Kennyrtlithar, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Angthal Myrthtlarn, Healer of the Valley Elves
- Claadar Eythereplith, Guardian of the Wild Elves
- Eilre Dryearraheal, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Arsel Daden, Slave of the Moon Elves
- Drevain Hlaeanea, Captain of the Night Elves
- Firadar Aleaannia, Champion of the Winged Elves
- Laean Dwinvalsa, Watchman of the Sun Elves
- Laar Farbella, Friend of the Night Elves
- Lamah Norreelrvis, Protector of the Wood Elves
- Evin Freaniannia, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Elaira CyGreenraheal, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Gaelraee Mortimer, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Arntas Norreelrvis, Slave of the High Elves
- Arudrim Myrthelrvis, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Garria Dryeartlarn, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Corlys Arabidlues, Ruler of the Sun Elves
- Arllinn Killeundlin, Princess of the Valley Elves
- Duavain Hlaerretyn, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Eviel Arabiatear, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Anevar Dwinlylth, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Afrail Myrthettln, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Hadar Ulafaren, Ruler of the Wild Elves
- Elinal Auvreaarnith, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Daenes Hlaeanea, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Arnah Baequiathem, Princess of the Dark Elves
- Arìahel Alearaheal, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Arìshe Rilynnaear, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Baeltha Heasighymn, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Corama Myrthtylar, Ruler of the Snow Elves
- Ansrrae Freaniathem, Pathfinder of the Valley Elves
- Ilonal Tyrlylth, Protector of the Aquatic Elves
- Ansrrae Ousseaitryn, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Feraith Kelgolor, Earl of the Night Elves
- Fisumil Teasenurdrenn, Guardian of the Wild Elves
- Laala CyGreenurdrenn, Pathfinder of the Deep Elves
- Laavar Tyrnddare, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Duaith Arkeneavalsa, Leader of the Wild Elves
- Kyilam Dwinmitore, Slave of the Wood Elves
- Lammahs Dryearettln, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Firemar Banniatear, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Besatri Yoffir, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Ahya Myrthannia, Slave of the Grey Elves
- Jatas CyGreenrretyn, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Ansrrae Melithanea, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Gaelulam Auvreaundlin, Leader of the Night Elves
- Kerasar Heasimitore, Warrior of the Dark Elves
- Eileath Tyrraheal, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Kaasel Eyllisannia, Ruler of the Snow Elves
- Arìvain Arkeneavalsa, Captain of the Winged Elves
- Dhoazair Arabighymn, Follower of the Wood Elves
- Azaihal Eyllisaear, Ruler of the Moon Elves
- Jalys Myrthettln, Leader of the Deep Elves
- Fisvia Rilynnaear, Earl of the Blood Elves
- Garhel CyGreenanea, Captain of the High Elves
- Ahdrim Tyrrae, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Hulon Orleathem, Healer of the Night Elves
- Luelie Bannieplith, Empress of the Grey Elves
- Azaire CyGreenghymn, Warrior of the High Elves
- Eileath Dirthatear, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Jaris Myrtheplith, Counselor of the Winged Elves
- Eillua Arabiitryn, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Gaelvain Melithurdrenn, Protector of the Blood Elves
- Evelis Tyrraheal, Assassin of the Sun Elves
- Fiana Rilynnettln, Empress of the High Elves
- Korihar Lorakalyn, Champion of the Valley Elves
- Amaoro Kennyrtlarn, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Lafavel Teasenraheal, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Corquis Dwinannia, Watchman of the High Elves
- Claihel Banniettln, Friend of the Snow Elves
- Casaias Ousseatylar, Princess of the Deep Elves
- Daevar Kennyrnddare, Follower of the Wood Elves
- Clalath Arkeneaarnith, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Lavia Myrthettln, Counselor of the Night Elves
- Kethral Hunithrretyn, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Calvanna Dirthurdrenn, Slave of the High Elves
- Aluhar Myrthrae, Assassin of the Moon Elves
- Amvain Orleanea, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Kyoro Arabinddare, Spellsword of the Deep Elves
- Cashar Hunithraheal, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Aronal Baequiundlin, Guardian of the Winged Elves
- Dural Hlaeathem, Captain of the Night Elves
- Firran Baequitlithar, Keeper of the Winged Elves
- Laavar Bannithym, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Lamhal Orlesithek, Ruler of the Night Elves
- Clamah Gysseghymn, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Daenin Baequiathem, Champion of the High Elves
- Corlirr Rilynnneldth, Healer of the Deep Elves
- Anaira Elgrove, Captain of the Grey Elves
- Kanvar Arabighymn, Warrior of the Dark Elves
- Aerabrar Morader, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Ahthi Melithvirrea, Slave of the Night Elves
- Ilira Oussealylth, Empress of the High Elves
- Cyim Freaniannia, Protector of the High Elves
- Gilyn Aleaghymn, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Angavar Hunithvirrea, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Fiael Myrththym, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Besthar Myrthrretyn, Guardian of the Grey Elves
- Aneath Tyrrretyn, Spellsword of the Wood Elves
- Luespar Eyllisatear, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Arnilam Norreannia, Captain of the Dark Elves
- Illis Dwinsithek, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Gilimil Orleundlin, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Iaazair Teaseneplith, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Jaae Banniatear, Earl of the Night Elves
- Elesti Miralen, Healer of the Grey Elves
- Dual Orleannia, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Arash Rilynnettln, Watchman of the Night Elves
- Besothi Dirthannia, Ruler of the High Elves
- Eilala Rilynnelrvis, Healer of the Deep Elves
- Garlyn Myrthrae, Ruler of the Grey Elves
- Elilam Hunithundlin, Healer of the Aquatic Elves
- Laiten Tyrarnith, Pathfinder of the Night Elves
- Kerik Myrthanea, Leader of the High Elves
- Eirara Arkeneaaear, Captain of the Moon Elves
- Kyodar Aleaundlin, Empress of the Sun Elves
- Ahine Eythertylar, Spellsword of the Grey Elves
- Feraiat Bannithym, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Illith Myrthvirrea, Champion of the Sun Elves
- Corana Arabimitore, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Ahlas Elgrove, Friend of the Sun Elves
- Elilam Hunithatear, Ruler of the Valley Elves
- Eirrae Eythervirrea, Slave of the Blood Elves
- Eirnis Arkenearaheal, Watchman of the Winged Elves
- Kyitas Eyllissithek, Empress of the Dark Elves
- Arntae Rilynndlues, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Kanzair Eytherthym, Assassin of the Moon Elves
- Lamhal Dirthundlin, Healer of the Aquatic Elves
- Ahthi Ousseaitryn, Guardian of the Dark Elves
- Kyia Orleatear, Earl of the Wood Elves
- Besthar Hunithsithek, Pathfinder of the Valley Elves
- Eilanis Tyrelrvis, Friend of the Night Elves
- Claimil Aleantlithar, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Allis Fearmer, Leader of the Night Elves
- Gaelather Heasisithek, Ruler of the Dark Elves
- Kanlas Maerneplith, Earl of the Valley Elves
- Dhoeath Dryearaear, Leader of the Night Elves
- Arner Norreneldth, Assassin of the Wild Elves
- Kaonna Arabinddare, Friend of the Dark Elves
- Kerik Aleaatear, Leader of the Blood Elves
- Kaumil Maernvirrea, Assassin of the Night Elves
- Annal Hunithghymn, Friend of the High Elves
- Firitae Meliththym, Empress of the Wild Elves
- Clahar Oussearae, Assassin of the High Elves
- Bestae Yoffir, Champion of the Blood Elves
- Ahthi CyGreenettln, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Jarilam CyGreenatear, Slave of the Night Elves
- Ilira Hunithtylar, Slave of the Night Elves
- Lafyth Dryearundlin, Keeper of the Blood Elves
- Firitae Orlearnith, Protector of the Night Elves
- Duavain Tyrettln, Counselor of the Aquatic Elves
- Eirather Dwinarnith, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Caelaera Baequiraheal, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Tyeth Myrththym, Pathfinder of the Deep Elves
- Lalis Meliththym, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Kethlith Killeanea, Keeper of the Valley Elves
- Eilanis Myrthtylar, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Jarel Vendove, Empress of the Dark Elves
- Ellua Dwinrae, Guardian of the Grey Elves
- Dreoro Orledlues, Assassin of the Grey Elves
- Corana Kennyrtlarn, Counselor of the High Elves
- Claraee Tyrthym, Ruler of the Night Elves
- Koehrah Krisgella, Protector of the Winged Elves
- Jalys Kennyrlylth, Leader of the Night Elves
- Giltria CyGreensithek, Healer of the Sun Elves
- Arnran Gyssethym, Counselor of the Snow Elves
- Huasel Baequiitryn, Protector of the Snow Elves
- Iainal Norretylar, Counselor of the Aquatic Elves
- Lueual Vendove, Empress of the Wood Elves
- Calean Mortimer, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Beszara Faren, Warrior of the Wild Elves
- Koehlys Oussealylth, Princess of the Grey Elves
- Duis CyGreentylar, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Andrimme Fynwaters, Slave of the Moon Elves
- Drenal Killelylth, Warrior of the Valley Elves
- Huim CyGreenundlin, Earl of the Night Elves
- Arìine Arkeneamitore, Follower of the Blood Elves
- Ialihn Auvreatlithar, Earl of the Sun Elves
- Dhoaith Bannivalsa, Assassin of the Dark Elves
- Kethdre Rilynndlues, Princess of the Wood Elves
- Azather Arabiannia, Leader of the Grey Elves
- Eirnis Dwinannia, Ruler of the Dark Elves
- Ansrdar Dwinannia, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Lafavia Ousseaanea, Spellsword of the Deep Elves
- Arnel Heasisithek, Keeper of the Snow Elves
- Korethil Bannitylar, Guardian of the Blood Elves
- Amnyn Tyratear, Friend of the Snow Elves
- Arìazair Arabieplith, Champion of the Blood Elves
- Baelria Ousseaettln, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Jardar Heasivirrea, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Cyrad Banniundlin, Earl of the Night Elves
- Arìfel Wilwyn, Ruler of the Moon Elves
- Ilmah stonewater, Watchman of the Aquatic Elves
- Kywyn Aleantlithar, Warrior of the High Elves
- Iluhar Norretlarn, Healer of the High Elves
- Koehtria Yoffir, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Fisesti Ousseaeplith, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Dhovin Arkeneaitryn, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Gaellean Hunithmitore, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Amaila Rilynnarnith, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Dreoro Tyratear, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Jasar Ousseavalsa, Pathfinder of the High Elves
- Kanerl Teasenthym, Watchman of the Sun Elves
- Jaritas Rilynnathem, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Calinal Teasenneldth, Warrior of the Aquatic Elves
- Dreus Baequivirrea, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Huhal Dirthurdrenn, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Erri Dryearrae, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Eravin Myrthrae, Ruler of the Wood Elves
- Jaash Eytherannia, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Jalys Hlaetlarn, Ruler of the High Elves
- Kaaia Hlaeaear, Friend of the Wild Elves
- Lueire Aleanvirrea, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Fiibrar Dwinvalsa, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Gaelulam Myrthannia, Princess of the High Elves
- Firas Hlaeitryn, Assassin of the Night Elves
- Laala Arabiatear, Healer of the Sun Elves
- Kethdre Rilynnaear, Guardian of the Night Elves
- Corlys Rilynnannia, Pathfinder of the Wild Elves
- Baelnin Oussearaheal, Warrior of the Deep Elves
- Dusha Tyrnddare, Watchman of the Grey Elves
- Feralam Bannisithek, Earl of the Sun Elves
- Fiyr Eyllisatear, Pathfinder of the Moon Elves
- Fiibrar Aleanlylth, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Amumil Aleaettln, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Lafdre Eytherraheal, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Anglyn Maernitryn, Friend of the Night Elves
- Coren Aleaanea, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Besatri Aleanmitore, Earl of the High Elves
- Amaiel Dwinlylth, Warrior of the Aquatic Elves
- Fiuath Eythertylar, Protector of the High Elves
- Alhar Teasenurdrenn, Assassin of the Sun Elves
- Filith Heasiathem, Empress of the Moon Elves
- Angess Moonbryn, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Arvanna CyGreenanea, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Jarfel Perdan, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Ilvin Gyssethym, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Baelist Eyllisneldth, Counselor of the Sun Elves
- Besama CyGreenatear, Princess of the Blood Elves
- Jaril Banniraheal, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Baelquis Gyssesithek, Leader of the Wild Elves
- Kaesti Hlaeathem, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Ilua Aleananea, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Kadeth Braveheart, Warrior of the High Elves
- Haaethus Baequiathem, Watchman of the Sun Elves
- Aneath Waesmer, Leader of the Dark Elves
- Lafine Kennyrmitore, Keeper of the Winged Elves
- Coress Rilynnghymn, Spellsword of the Night Elves
- Jarail Miralen, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Anaira Arabiundlin, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Harah Aleaarnith, Spellsword of the Winged Elves
- Erather Plywyn, Pathfinder of the Sun Elves
- Jaasar Shelberry, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Keral Tyrannia, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Finine Myrthrae, Empress of the Wood Elves
- Firara Mortimer, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Huhal Hunithrretyn, Leader of the Snow Elves
- Arìeti Eytherraheal, Captain of the Moon Elves
- Daeon Arabiundlin, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Jaraethus Dirthlylth, Warrior of the Valley Elves
- Lafsar Killelylth, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Koehwyn Heasiannia, Keeper of the Sun Elves
- Azaiss Banniraheal, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Casana Bannivirrea, Empress of the Blood Elves
- Daeavel Norreghymn, Earl of the Snow Elves
- Ansrihel Bannithym, Pathfinder of the Dark Elves
- Huefel Rilynnraheal, Friend of the Deep Elves
- Clamah Freaniannia, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Arìtae Maernitryn, Pathfinder of the Sun Elves
- Fiianna Arkenearretyn, Protector of the Grey Elves
- Huefel Baequitlarn, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Amsel Dryearettln, Guardian of the Deep Elves
- Anual Hunitheplith, Slave of the Grey Elves
- Koehas Dryeareplith, Protector of the High Elves
- Dreasel Teasenarnith, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Keryn Eyllisraheal, Watchman of the Blood Elves
- Casya Kennyraltin, Ruler of the Snow Elves
- Dreaha Ousseaanea, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Eileath Gysseghymn, Friend of the Valley Elves
- Ansrihel Myrthaear, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Koriten Dwinmitore, Princess of the Dark Elves
- Cyira Gysseghymn, Assassin of the Deep Elves
- Jarik Banniraheal, Watchman of the Deep Elves
- Huihar Dirthannia, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Kethdre Arkeneaghymn, Friend of the Night Elves
- Cyrad Ousseaanea, Spellsword of the Deep Elves
- Bestae CyGreeneplith, Pathfinder of the Blood Elves
- Alatri Eyllisraheal, Watchman of the Winged Elves
- Gaelyn Gyssealtin, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Kaianna CyGreentlithar, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Angevar Ousseasithek, Pathfinder of the Blood Elves
- Kyia Arabivirrea, Friend of the Aquatic Elves
- Kaasel Kennyratear, Spellsword of the Valley Elves
- Azain Teasenraheal, Earl of the High Elves
- Koehspar Hlaesithek, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Ilonna Auvreaurdrenn, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Cydar Tyraear, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Jatas Dirthathem, Captain of the Wood Elves
- Ansrerl Orleeplith, Pathfinder of the Snow Elves
- Ladeth Heasiathem, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Ansrthus Tyraear, Counselor of the Wild Elves
- Azalon Maernannia, Empress of the High Elves
- Koehtria Hunithraheal, Champion of the Sun Elves
- Ahlam Heasighymn, Champion of the Valley Elves
- Fisfel Baequiraheal, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Daevar Myrthanea, Warrior of the Night Elves
- Elfel Bannitlithar, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Eranis Rilynndlues, Ruler of the Grey Elves
- Anglam Teasentylar, Follower of the Snow Elves
- Firo Baequitylar, Ruler of the Night Elves
- Fisral CyGreenurdrenn, Princess of the Aquatic Elves
- Jarri Freanidlues, Watchman of the Sun Elves
- Clasel Arkeneanddare, Champion of the Moon Elves
- Ketheth Vahorn, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Callanna Aleanannia, Leader of the Aquatic Elves
- Arìash Oussealylth, Keeper of the Dark Elves
- Erel Ousseamitore, Healer of the Night Elves
- Amist Killerae, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Korvin Aleanarnith, Spellsword of the High Elves
- Angevar Eyllisaear, Assassin of the Dark Elves
- Hadre Heasisithek, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Gaelibrar Dwinrae, Princess of the Blood Elves
- Eirrah Gysseeplith, Pathfinder of the Valley Elves
- Arìwyn Rilynnaear, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Ansrspar Orleatear, Follower of the Wild Elves
- Casen Myrthneldth, Spellsword of the Aquatic Elves
- Calinal Dwinmitore, Captain of the Sun Elves
- Ahhar Rilynnneldth, Leader of the Wild Elves
- Laminal Gyssemitore, Captain of the Wood Elves
- Koehoro Myrthannia, Healer of the Wild Elves
- Eirre Maernannia, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Lafibrar Rilynnrae, Warrior of the Blood Elves
- Lamari Maernvalsa, Ruler of the Moon Elves
- Iazara Baequimitore, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Amuhar Kennyrtlarn, Guardian of the Wild Elves
- Haael Kennyrarnith, Watchman of the Dark Elves
- Kethaith Myrthvirrea, Captain of the Moon Elves
- Casraee Fearmer, Spellsword of the Dark Elves
- Evibrar Ousseasithek, Assassin of the Snow Elves
- Fivia Myrthmitore, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Garlyn Orleanea, Pathfinder of the Grey Elves
- Laflirr Eythervirrea, Slave of the Dark Elves
- Feraesti Vahorn, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Bessar Auvreatylar, Counselor of the Night Elves
- Alti Arabivirrea, Leader of the Night Elves
- Dhoasel Aleaanea, Keeper of the High Elves
- Arro Tyrrae, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Daemah Baequitylar, Warrior of the Night Elves
- Feraeath Kennyrthym, Healer of the Snow Elves
- Eilil Freaniathem, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Besin Teasenurdrenn, Friend of the Deep Elves
- Jaraer Arabitlithar, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Cyaira Arabirretyn, Keeper of the Night Elves
- Gaelyn Hunithettln, Earl of the Dark Elves
- Eilrahd Dirthannia, Spellsword of the Sun Elves
- Korral Dwinvalsa, Assassin of the Night Elves
- Claadar Myrthathem, Protector of the Winged Elves
- Azaevar Maernannia, Assassin of the Night Elves
- Hadre Eyllisneldth, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Fiemar Teasenurdrenn, Follower of the Valley Elves
- Aneath Myrthnddare, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Arro Dirthtlithar, Friend of the Grey Elves
- Lati Dirthathem, Guardian of the Moon Elves
- Caliat Myrthmitore, Earl of the Moon Elves
- Lafellon Dryearvalsa, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Dreaer Teasentlarn, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Baeltha Killesithek, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Jaavia Banniraheal, Champion of the Grey Elves
- Kaira Dryearaear, Friend of the Wild Elves
- Claraee Orleanea, Keeper of the Dark Elves
- Azaele Hunitheplith, Follower of the Night Elves
- Jarwyn Eytherannia, Counselor of the Snow Elves
- Arnel Orledlues, Spellsword of the Dark Elves
- Eirtria Norreathem, Earl of the Blood Elves
- Baeltha Killerae, Follower of the Dark Elves
- Kethlith Killenddare, Spellsword of the Winged Elves
- Anothi Ousseasithek, Warrior of the High Elves
- Evelis Bannialtin, Healer of the Snow Elves
- Lamvanna Maernneldth, Friend of the Winged Elves
- Eirdul Yoffir, Captain of the Wild Elves
- Garhal Auvreaurdrenn, Watchman of the Wood Elves
- Daero Oussearae, Slave of the Dark Elves
- Anluth Wynlen, Watchman of the High Elves
- Eilthi Arabiannia, Assassin of the Aquatic Elves
- Kaavin Dirthannia, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Baelria Heasiundlin, Warrior of the High Elves
- Gilafel Gyssearnith, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Eiriss Killeanea, Assassin of the Grey Elves
- Kaanis Gysserae, Protector of the Aquatic Elves
- Fislean Aleaettln, Princess of the Blood Elves
- Ansral Teasenathem, Empress of the Blood Elves
- Coren Dirthnddare, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Gaelethar Moonbryn, Warrior of the Aquatic Elves
- Hua Rilynnthym, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Evmus Auvreatylar, Watchman of the Sun Elves
- Ialihn Baequirae, Guardian of the Sun Elves
- Fiki Hunithtlarn, Princess of the Moon Elves
- Koehis Hunitharnith, Slave of the Wood Elves
- Iari Aleanraheal, Counselor of the Night Elves
- Korre Grepetor, Protector of the Valley Elves
- Arndar Zylkian, Empress of the Deep Elves
- Jaash Vahorn, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Eilala Ousseaettln, Warrior of the Wood Elves
- Drenal Kennyrathem, Healer of the Wood Elves
- Angik Banniraheal, Empress of the Snow Elves
- Elevar Bannivalsa, Slave of the Winged Elves
- Caelsan Rilynneplith, Watchman of the Valley Elves
- Calmus Baequiatear, Empress of the Night Elves
- Ilyn Teaseneplith, Spellsword of the Grey Elves
- Andrim Orleeplith, Pathfinder of the High Elves
- Garlyn Killealtin, Ruler of the Deep Elves
- Corana Tyrnddare, Counselor of the Grey Elves
- Kayr Killelylth, Empress of the Valley Elves
- Kanti Eyllisannia, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Claria Maernarnith, Empress of the Dark Elves
- Janine Arkenearretyn, Empress of the Dark Elves
- Kethil Ousseamitore, Empress of the Snow Elves
- Arìsah Gyssedlues, Slave of the Night Elves
- Baelro Dwinlylth, Captain of the Deep Elves
- Caelsan Teasenmitore, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Dredrim Banniundlin, Slave of the Deep Elves
- Amvar Freaninddare, Protector of the Wild Elves
- Jaryn Teasenthym, Spellsword of the Wild Elves
- Cladre Arabiurdrenn, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Lafiat Naeries, Champion of the Wood Elves
- Dreaha Killethym, Counselor of the Snow Elves
- Kanethal Hunithtlarn, Pathfinder of the Wood Elves
- Baelnin Magnelis, Ruler of the Dark Elves
- Gaelnin Arabiitryn, Slave of the Sun Elves
- Eilae Eyllisanea, Ruler of the Night Elves
- Arnvara Norrevalsa, Counselor of the Blood Elves
- Aelin Teasenanea, Follower of the Moon Elves
- Feranal Rilynnghymn, Counselor of the Wild Elves
- Evlith Orletlarn, Slave of the Wood Elves
- Allis Hunithraheal, Guardian of the Wild Elves
- Lafavel Auvreaneldth, Earl of the Winged Elves
- Haavin Eythersithek, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Dreia Grepetor, Assassin of the Wood Elves
- Duith Norreghymn, Keeper of the Wild Elves
- Fistria Heasitlithar, Princess of the Winged Elves
- Ansrihel Arkeneaghymn, Slave of the Blood Elves
- Lueeth CyGreennddare, Guardian of the Blood Elves
- Dreihal Myrthtlarn, Leader of the Sun Elves
- Laman Banniurdrenn, Captain of the Winged Elves
- Kyir Auvreanddare, Earl of the High Elves
- Gilianna Hunithghymn, Earl of the Night Elves
- Ermahs CyGreennddare, Guardian of the Blood Elves
- Gilaera Rilynnarnith, Slave of the Valley Elves
- Koehoro Rilynnitryn, Warrior of the Moon Elves
- Fiavel Hlaesithek, Keeper of the Grey Elves
- Elibrar Ergella, Ruler of the Grey Elves
- Iallinn Tyratear, Champion of the Winged Elves
- Elrath Dirthurdrenn, Healer of the Night Elves
- Ahather Maernneldth, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Ansrthus Aleanaltin, Assassin of the Valley Elves
- Aeryn Arabighymn, Earl of the High Elves
- Cladre Myrthrae, Earl of the Deep Elves
- Erather Dryearettln, Guardian of the Snow Elves
- Gaelvain Teasenneldth, Watchman of the Night Elves
- Erdul Gyssetlarn, Keeper of the Aquatic Elves
- Aluhar Melithanea, Slave of the Blood Elves
- Ilua Kennyrannia, Empress of the Deep Elves
- Kanian Rilynndlues, Leader of the Deep Elves
- Lueavain Morfir, Healer of the Valley Elves
- Andrim Bannirae, Guardian of the Deep Elves
- Casudrim Hlaesithek, Leader of the Valley Elves
- Dhoana Arabimitore, Captain of the Valley Elves
- Amdrimme Baequiraheal, Captain of the Wood Elves
- Azalon Dwinurdrenn, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Dhoasel Auvreanddare, Guardian of the Deep Elves
- Lueeth Oussearae, Counselor of the Moon Elves
- Kaefel Uralendan, Friend of the Dark Elves
- Angthi Maernghymn, Counselor of the Night Elves
- Aerist Dryearvalsa, Leader of the Wild Elves
- Casthar Maernvalsa, Warrior of the Winged Elves
- Kahel Eyllistlithar, Friend of the Wild Elves
- Ilia Eyllislylth, Assassin of the Dark Elves
- Cyash Aleaannia, Slave of the Wood Elves
- Fiki Norretlarn, Keeper of the Wood Elves
- Caelethal Heasivirrea, Champion of the Aquatic Elves
- Casten Kennyrtlarn, Healer of the Night Elves
- Cyin Hlaeelrvis, Protector of the Deep Elves
- Iallinn Teasenraheal, Watchman of the Wild Elves
- Eilist Hunithvirrea, Slave of the Snow Elves
- Aerther Hunithundlin, Friend of the Wood Elves
- Huel Baequiathem, Healer of the Snow Elves
- Koehadar Auvreatlithar, Warrior of the Grey Elves
- Ansrque Glavien, Protector of the Dark Elves
- Fiuath Baequiathem, Friend of the Night Elves
- Jarwyn Ousseavalsa, Guardian of the Aquatic Elves
- Garith Eyllistylar, Keeper of the Sun Elves
- Amine Norreelrvis, Earl of the High Elves
- Iallinn Melithrae, Spellsword of the Snow Elves
- Amaiel Bannivalsa, Healer of the High Elves
- Fisvia Hlaeanea, Healer of the Winged Elves
- Gilyn Dirthitryn, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Gildar Dwinrae, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Baelira Myrththym, Follower of the Deep Elves
- Duthi Freaninddare, Keeper of the Winged Elves
- Gilavain Havalee, Earl of the Winged Elves
- Andrimme Arabivirrea, Ruler of the Valley Elves
- Evyr Freanirretyn, Princess of the Snow Elves
- Luetril Heasithym, Slave of the Grey Elves
- Caelinar Melithundlin, Counselor of the Valley Elves
- Arnaera Eyllisraheal, Warrior of the Snow Elves
- Haan Aleaatear, Captain of the Night Elves
- Ansrmah Hunithundlin, Keeper of the Snow Elves
- Azain Arkeneaettln, Empress of the Winged Elves
- Evmil Oussealylth, Watchman of the Grey Elves
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