How To Write A Multiverse Story in 12 Steps

Captivating readers with tales that traverse boundless realities – that’s the power of a multiverse story. In this guide, we’ll delve into the key steps of how to write a multiverse story, taking you from the initial spark of an idea to a fully realised narrative. Discover how to craft your own unique multiverse and transport your readers on a thrilling journey across dimensions.

What is a Multiverse Story?

A multiverse story delves into the concept of parallel universes, exploring realities that exist alongside our own. These realities can be vastly different, with unique physical laws, historical timelines, and societal structures. The narrative explores the consequences of these variations, often through the lens of characters who traverse or interact with these alternate realities.

Multiverse stories can be broadly categorised into two main approaches:

  • Alternate timelines: These stories explore universes that diverged from our own at a specific point in history. Perhaps a key decision played out differently, or a historical event never occurred. The story then examines the ripple effects of this divergence, creating a universe with a distinct present and future.
  • Parallel universes: Here, the focus is on entirely separate realities coexisting with our own. These universes may have entirely different physical laws, leading to fantastical elements like magic or advanced technology. The stories might involve travel between these universes, raising questions of identity, free will, and the nature of reality itself.

By utilising the concept of the multiverse, authors can expand the boundaries of storytelling. They can explore thought-provoking ideas about the nature of existence, the power of choice, and the vastness of the cosmos. Multiverse stories offer a rich tapestry for writers to weave tales of adventure, intrigue, and philosophical exploration.

Multiverse vs Paralell Universe

The terms “multiverse” and “parallel universe” are often used interchangeably, and for most purposes, there isn’t a huge distinction. However, there can be some subtle differences depending on the context.

The following are features of a parallel universe:

  • A self-contained plane of existence co-existing with our own universe.
  • Might have similar or completely different physical laws.
  • Can be singular (one other universe) or there could be multiple parallel universes.

Here are the features of a multiverse:

  • A broader term encompassing all possible universes, including our own and any parallel universes.
  • Can potentially include an infinite number of universes with a vast range of possibilities.
  • The specific characteristics of these universes are open to interpretation and can vary depending on the story or theory.

A multiverse can contain many parallel universes, but a parallel universe doesn’t necessarily imply the existence of a multiverse. If you’re focusing on a single universe alongside our own, “parallel universe” might be more specific. If you’re referring to a vast collection of potentially infinite realities, “multiverse” is the more encompassing term.

Examples of Multiverse Stories

To give you a better understanding of what multiverse stories are in the real world, take a look at these famous examples.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

A classic example of a multiverse story is The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. This comedic science fiction series follows the hapless Englishman Arthur Dent after Earth is demolished to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Arthur escapes with his friend Ford Prefect, who turns out to be an undercover researcher for the titular Hitchhiker’s Guide – a galactic encyclopedia for travellers.

The series explores a vast multiverse with countless realities existing alongside each other.  These realities can be wildly different, ranging from planets ruled by hyperintelligent mice to worlds where time runs backwards. The journey takes Arthur and Ford through various universes, each with its own quirky inhabitants and bizarre laws of physics.

The significance of the multiverse in Hitchhiker’s goes beyond just providing a backdrop for wacky adventures.  It allows Adams to satirize human nature and societal norms by placing them in absurd contexts. The vastness of the multiverse also serves as a metaphor for the insignificance of humanity within the grand scheme of things, which adds a layer of philosophical depth to the humour.

His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman

Another well-known example of a multiverse story is His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. This fantasy series follows Lyra Belacqua, a young girl living in a world where human souls manifest as animal companions called daemons. The story takes a turn when Lyra uncovers a sinister plot involving a mysterious substance called Dust and a powerful organization called the Magisterium.

The trilogy reveals the existence of multiple universes, each with its own set of physical and metaphysical laws. Lyra travels between these realities, encountering fantastical creatures like witches and armoured bears. Importantly, these universes are not entirely separate – they are all connected by a vast, shimmering barrier known as the “aurora borealis”.

The multiverse in His Dark Materials plays a crucial role in the thematic core of the story. It allows Pullman to explore the nature of free will, the importance of critical thinking, and the dangers of religious dogma. Each universe reflects a different approach to these themes, creating a rich tapestry of ideas that challenge readers to question their own beliefs.

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick explores an alternate history where the Axis powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) won World War II. The story takes place in the 1960s in the United States, which has been divided between Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The characters grapple with the realities of this oppressive world, while also encountering mysterious artefacts that hint at the existence of other realities where the Allies might have won.

While the story primarily focuses on a single, altered timeline, the multiverse concept plays a crucial role in the narrative. The existence of these alternate realities hinted at through fictional novels within the story and mysterious objects, creates a sense of unease and hope for the characters. It raises questions about the nature of reality, the possibility of changing past events, and the fragility of freedom. The multiverse here isn’t a playground for adventure, but a source of both fear and potential liberation.

How To Write A Multiverse Story

Now you have a fair idea of what a multiverse story is, it’s time to write your own. We have broken the process down into 12 steps on how to write a multiverse story along with examples.

Step 1: Pick An Overall Theme

The vastness of the multiverse allows you to explore a multitude of themes and ideas. Choosing a central theme will guide your world-building and character development, ensuring a cohesive narrative even as you jump between realities. Here are some popular themes in multiverse fiction:

  • The Value of Choice: The multiverse grants you the opportunity to explore the butterfly effect – how seemingly insignificant decisions can create vastly different outcomes. This theme allows you to ask questions about fate, free will, and the power of choice.
  • The Nature of Reality: The multiverse allows you to question the very fabric of existence. Is our reality fixed, or are there infinite possibilities lurking just beyond our perception? This theme can be explored through philosophical discussions, encounters with alternate versions of oneself, or the existence of paradoxical realities.
  • The Importance of Perspective: The exposure to vastly different societies and cultures within the multiverse broadens your character’s understanding of themselves and the world around them. This theme can be explored through cultural clashes, learning from different societal structures, or encountering alternate versions of oneself with different personalities.

Here are some examples of multiverse story ideas you could consider:

  • Imagine a story where a character travels to a reality where they made a different choice in their past. They witness the consequences of this decision, forcing them to re-evaluate their own life path.
  • A scientist discovers a gateway to a reality where the laws of physics are entirely different. This throws their understanding of the universe into question, forcing them to confront the possibility that their own reality might not be as fixed as they thought.
  • A sheltered princess travels to a dystopian reality where her social status holds no power. This experience forces her to confront her own privilege and redefine her perspective on the world.

Step 2: Define Your Core Universe

The core universe is the launching point for your multiverse adventure. It acts as the familiar ground from which your characters and readers embark on their journey into the unknown. Here’s a breakdown of what to consider when defining your core universe:

  • You can choose to base your core universe on our own world, perhaps with a few fantastical tweaks. This creates a relatable starting point for readers who can easily grasp the baseline reality before venturing into the fantastical.
  • Alternatively, you can craft a wholly original universe from scratch. This allows for complete creative freedom in establishing the laws of physics, societal structures, and technological advancements.

The core universe establishes the foundation of your story. It provides a sense of normalcy and grounding for your readers before they’re thrown into the complexities of the multiverse. It also shapes your characters’ perspectives and motivations. Their experiences in this world influence how they react to the existence of alternate realities.


Core Universe: A Dystopian Megacity  –  Aeronium

Setting: A vast, overcrowded city shrouded in perpetual twilight. Pollution from countless factories blots out the sun, and artificial lights cast an eerie glow.

Society: Highly stratified, ruled by a tyrannical elite who control all knowledge and information. The majority of citizens live in poverty and have limited access to education or technology.

Technology: Advanced in some aspects, with towering megastructures and efficient transportation systems. However, most technological advancements benefit the elite, and the common people rely on outdated machinery for their daily lives.

Laws and Customs: Knowledge is strictly controlled. Possessing unauthorized information is a crime, and those caught face severe punishment. Public education focuses on obedience and loyalty to the ruling class.

Step 3: Develop a Multiverse Structure

The way your universes connect and diverge is a crucial aspect of crafting a compelling multiverse story. This step involves defining the overall structure of your multiverse and the mechanics of travel between realities.

Here are some points to consider during this step:

  • Interconnectedness: Will your universes be entirely separate realities, or will there be some level of connection between them?
    • Separate Realities: Each universe exists independently, with no inherent connection to the others. Travel between them might be a rare or even accidental occurrence.
    • Connected Realities: The universes might share a common origin story or be influenced by a central force. There could be a central hub or gateway that allows for travel between them.
  • Divergence Point: How did these universes come to be? Did they all originate from a single pivotal moment in history, or have they always existed as separate entities?
    • Single Point of Divergence: All universes branch out from a single event in history where the outcome differed. Exploring these alternate timelines allows you to showcase the ripple effects of seemingly minor choices.
    • Multiple Points of Divergence: There’s no single origin story. Universes exist independently, each with its own unique history and set of laws.
  • Spectrum of Universes: How different are your universes from each other?
    • Subtle Differences: Some universes might have minor variations in history, technology, or societal structures. This allows for a sense of familiarity while introducing elements of novelty.
    • Wildly Divergent: Universes can be entirely different, with unique physical laws, magic systems, or even sentient species. This creates a sense of wonder and allows you to explore a vast spectrum of possibilities.


Multiverse Structure: Infinite Layers

This multiverse consists of an infinite number of realities stacked upon one another like layers in an onion. Each reality is unique, with its own set of physical laws, societal structures, and level of free will available to its inhabitants.

Travel between realities is possible but incredibly dangerous. Unstable portals can form spontaneously, spitting unsuspecting individuals into entirely different realities. However, actively seeking out specific realities requires advanced technology or rare artefacts that can manipulate the fabric of existence.

Step 4: Bridge the Worlds

In a multiverse story, the ability to travel between realities is what truly sets the narrative in motion. This step focuses on how your characters navigate the gap between universes, creating both opportunities and challenges.

There are various ways characters can bridge the gap between realities, each adding a unique flavour to your story:

  • Technological Devices: Advanced technology might allow for the creation of portals or gateways to other universes. This method can be scientific and controlled, or unpredictable and risky depending on the technology’s stability.
  • Magical Portals: In a fantasy setting, portals or gateways might be imbued with magic, requiring specific rituals or incantations to activate. This adds a mystical element to travel and introduces the potential for magical beings to control access to other realities.
  • Natural Occurrences: Perhaps travel between realities happens spontaneously through unstable dimensional rifts or wormholes. This can lead to thrilling adventures and dangerous encounters, as characters grapple with the randomness of these occurrences.

Travelling between realities isn’t always smooth sailing. Here are some potential challenges to consider:

  • Environmental Hazards: The laws of physics might differ in different universes, creating dangers like extreme temperatures, toxic atmospheres, or unfamiliar gravity.
  • Navigation Difficulties: Finding specific waypoints or portals to desired realities can be complex, requiring specialised knowledge or navigation tools.
  • Cultural Clashes: Encountering vastly different societies and customs can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Characters might need to adapt their behaviour and communication to navigate successfully in new realities.


Bridge: The Interstitial Gateway

Function: A colossal machine housed within a remote research facility. It utilizes experimental particle physics to manipulate the fabric of space-time, creating temporary rifts that lead to other realities.

Limitations: The Interstitial Gateway is incredibly unstable. Travel is risky, and the destination reality is unpredictable. Additionally, the gateway can only remain open for a short period, forcing Amelia to complete her mission and return before it closes.

Thematic Connection: The gateway’s limitations represent the limitations of Amelia’s purely scientific worldview. Her reliance on technology to access the multiverse reflects her scepticism of magic and the unknown. However, as she progresses through her journey, her experiences in other realities might force her to question these limitations and open her mind to new possibilities.

Step 5: Develop The Rules

The vastness of the multiverse offers endless possibilities, but it’s crucial to maintain a sense of order within the chaos. This step involves establishing internal rules and ensuring consistency within each universe, creating a believable foundation for your story.

  • Internal Logic: Each universe should have its own set of rules governing physics, magic (if applicable), and societal structures. These internal rules should be consistent within that universe, creating a sense of logic and believability.
  • Explaining the Unexplained: Don’t leave readers bewildered by fantastical elements. Provide explanations, even if they’re brief, for the unique aspects of each reality. This can be done through exposition, dialogue, or discoveries made by the characters.
  • Logical Consequences: Actions should have consequences within each universe. This applies to both the character’s actions and the natural laws of the world. Maintaining this cause-and-effect relationship creates a sense of realism and allows readers to anticipate potential outcomes.

By establishing clear rules and maintaining consistency within each reality, you create a believable and immersive multiverse.  This allows your readers to connect with each world on its terms while appreciating the contrasting ideas and experiences they offer concerning your central theme.

Example Rules of the Multiverse:

Dimensional Interference: Travel between realities is possible but heavily regulated. Each reality has guardians who monitor travellers and ensure they don’t disrupt the natural order of the world they visit.

Choice Echoes: Any significant choice made by a traveller in another reality has a ripple effect, sending out echoes that can impact their own reality in unforeseen ways.

Limited Memories: To prevent timeline disruptions, travellers only retain a fragmented memory of their experiences in other realities upon returning to their own world.

Step 6: Develop Your Protagonist

In a story that spans realities, your protagonist becomes the anchor for the reader. They are the channel through which we experience the wonders and perils of the multiverse. This step involves crafting a compelling character who can not only navigate fantastical realities but also grapple with the profound themes your story explores.

Qualities of a multiversal protagonist may include:

  • Relatability: Even in a fantastical setting, ensure your protagonist has relatable goals, desires, and flaws. This allows readers to connect with their journey on an emotional level.
  • Curiosity or Disillusionment: Perhaps your protagonist thirsts for knowledge about the multiverse, driven by a natural curiosity about the unknown. Alternatively, they might be disillusioned with their own reality and seek solace or adventure elsewhere.
  • Resourcefulness: The challenges of interdimensional travel require a resourceful protagonist. Can they adapt to new situations, solve problems creatively, and utilize limited resources effectively?
  • Openness to Change: The multiverse will bombard your protagonist with realities that challenge their worldview. They need to be adaptable and open to new ideas and experiences to navigate this ever-shifting landscape.

In addition, there are many types of protagonists you could develop, such as:

  • The Seeker: Driven by a desire for knowledge, adventure, or a specific goal, this protagonist actively seeks out the multiverse and its secrets. This motivation provides a clear purpose for their journey.
  • The Accidental Traveler: Thrust into the multiverse by unforeseen circumstances, this protagonist must adapt and survive while trying to find their way back home. This can create a sense of urgency and vulnerability.
  • The Reluctant Hero: This protagonist might not be interested in the multiverse but finds themselves entangled in its affairs due to circumstance, obligation, or a personal connection. This can lead to interesting character growth as they overcome their initial reluctance.

Your protagonist doesn’t have to be a chosen one or a superhero. What matters is their relatability, their capacity for growth, and their connection to the themes you explore through the vastness of the multiverse.


Protagonist: Anya

Background: Anya is a young historian who works in a vast archive filled with censored information. Despite the limitations placed on knowledge, Anya devours any scraps of information she can find, yearning to understand the past and the world beyond her controlled society.

Personality: Anya is inquisitive and resourceful. She possesses a natural scepticism towards authority figures and a thirst for the truth. Her rebellious nature puts her at odds with the established order, but it also fuels her determination to learn more.

Motivation: Anya’s core motivation is the pursuit of knowledge. She dreams of a world where information is freely available and independent thought is encouraged. The discovery of a hidden artefact hinting at the existence of a multiverse ignites a spark of hope within her, propelling her on a quest to break free from her confined world and explore the vast realms of knowledge that lie beyond.

Step 7: Develop Supporting Characters

A captivating multiverse story thrives on a rich cast of characters beyond the protagonist. These supporting characters, encountered across different realities, can serve as guides, allies, foils, or even antagonists, enriching the narrative and adding depth to the exploration of your themes.

Here are some types of supporting characters you might want to include:

  • Guides: In unfamiliar realities, your protagonist might encounter knowledgeable beings who can explain the customs, history, and potential dangers of that world. These guides can be natives, seasoned travellers, or even sentient beings unique to that reality.
  • Allies: The vastness of the multiverse can be daunting. Allies from different realities can provide support, companionship, and unique skills that complement your protagonist’s strengths.
  • Foes: Not all encounters in the multiverse will be friendly. Antagonists might be villainous figures seeking to exploit the multiverse for their own gain, or simply individuals with conflicting goals who clash with your protagonist.
  • Reflections: Consider characters who serve as mirrors to your protagonist, reflecting aspects of their personality or highlighting the consequences of their choices. These characters can be from the core universe or encountered in alternate realities.

By creating a diverse and engaging cast of supporting characters, you breathe life into your multiverse. These characters not only propel the plot forward but also serve as catalysts for your protagonist’s growth and a deeper exploration of your central theme.

Example Supporting Characters:

Xylo: A gruff but knowledgeable alien guide from a reality where nature is revered and technology is used in harmony with the environment. Xylo possesses a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and serves as a mentor to Amelia, teaching her about the delicate balance of her own reality.

Kaito: A young inventor from a reality on the brink of ecological collapse. Kaito is resourceful and optimistic, determined to find a way to save his dying world. His experiences serve as a cautionary tale for Amelia, highlighting the potential consequences of unchecked environmental exploitation.

Xylo and Kaito represent opposite ends of the spectrum on the theme of balance. Through their interactions with Amelia, they showcase the importance of respecting nature and the potential consequences of neglecting it.

Step 8: The Inciting Incident

The inciting incident is the spark that ignites your multiverse story. It’s the event that propels your protagonist from their familiar world and sets them on a course towards the vast unknown. This step involves crafting a compelling event that not only disrupts your protagonist’s life but also introduces the element of the multiverse and the central conflict of your story.

Here are some tips for creating a great inciting incident:

  • Disruption and Discovery: The inciting incident should significantly disrupt your protagonist’s life, forcing them to confront the existence of the multiverse. This could be the discovery of a hidden portal, a message from another reality, or an encounter with a being from beyond their own world.
  • Connection to Theme: The inciting incident should tie directly to your central theme. Perhaps it reveals a consequence of a choice made in another reality, showcases the limitations of their current world, or presents an opportunity to explore a different way of life.
  • Raising the Stakes: The inciting incident should raise the stakes for your protagonist. It could threaten their life, their loved ones, or their entire world. This creates a sense of urgency and motivates them to venture into the unknown.

By crafting a compelling inciting incident, you establish the central conflict of your multiverse story and propel your protagonist on a thrilling journey of discovery. This event sets the stage for them to grapple with the vastness of the multiverse and the profound questions it raises.


During a mandatory aptitude test, Kai makes a seemingly insignificant choice – they choose a colour that deviates from the preordained selection. This unexpected act triggers a series of events. The authorities deem Kai’s choice a sign of rebellion and label them a danger to societal harmony. Faced with imprisonment or exile, Kai discovers a hidden chamber within their designated living quarters. Inside, they find a mysterious device pulsating with an otherworldly energy. As security forces close in, Kai makes a life-altering choice – they activate the device, escaping into the vast unknown of the multiverse.

Step 9: Develop The Conflict

In this step, you’ll define the central obstacle your protagonist must overcome, the force that drives them through the complexities of alternate realities. This conflict can be personal, societal, or even cosmic in scale, but it should be intricately linked to the themes you’re exploring.

Here are some types of multiverse conflicts you might consider:

  • Personal Growth: Perhaps your protagonist’s journey through the multiverse is a catalyst for self-discovery. The conflict could lie in overcoming their own limitations, confronting their past choices, or adapting to the ever-shifting realities they encounter.
  • Societal Threat: The multiverse might harbour a danger that threatens the core universe or all realities. Your protagonist could be tasked with stopping an invasion, preventing the collapse of the multiverse, or exposing a hidden threat within the vast network of realities.
  • External Threat: An external force, like a villain seeking to exploit the multiverse for their gain, or a natural phenomenon threatening the stability of realities, could be the main conflict.
  • Moral Dilemma: The existence of the multiverse might raise complex ethical questions. The conflict could involve choosing between saving one reality or another, confronting the consequences of altering past events, or grappling with the concept of free will across infinite realities.

Here are some additional tips for keeping the conflict interesting:

  • Escalating Stakes: As the story progresses, the conflict should escalate, raising the stakes for your protagonist and the multiverse itself. This keeps the reader engaged and creates a sense of urgency.
  • Twists and Turns: Don’t be afraid to throw curveballs! Multiverse stories offer endless possibilities for plot twists and surprises. Use them to keep your reader guessing and add depth to the conflict.
  • Character Arcs: The conflict should not only drive the plot but also shape your characters. Their choices and experiences within the multiverse should lead to growth and change.

By crafting a compelling central conflict that ties into your theme and character development, you create a captivating story that keeps readers invested in the fate of your protagonist and the multiverse itself.


There are two main layers to the conflict in our example story:

Internal Conflict: Amelia grapples with the ethical implications of her actions. While her goal is to find solutions to the environmental problems of her own reality, she recognizes the potential for causing unforeseen damage to the delicate balance of other realities through her interventions. This internal struggle forces her to question her scientific approach and consider the importance of respecting the natural order, even across dimensions.

External Conflict: Amelia encounters various obstacles in the multiverse. She might face resistance from guardians protecting the natural order of different realities, or she might encounter beings who exploit natural resources for their own gain. These external conflicts will challenge Amelia’s skills and force her to find creative solutions that benefit both her own reality and the multiverse as a whole.

Step 10: Raise the Stakes

A captivating multiverse story thrives on a constant sense of urgency and ever-increasing risk. In this step, you’ll explore ways to raise the stakes throughout your narrative, keeping readers engaged and invested in your protagonist’s fate.

Raising the stakes is important for several reasons:

  • Maintaining Tension: A consistent sense of danger ensures readers remain invested in the story’s outcome. Raising the stakes throughout keeps the narrative unpredictable and exciting.
  • Character Motivation: As the stakes escalate, the protagonist’s motivation to overcome the conflict intensifies. This fuels their actions and pushes them to utilize their skills and resourcefulness in ever-more challenging situations.
  • Emotional Connection: High stakes create a stronger emotional connection with the characters. Readers will fear for their safety and root for their success as the consequences of failure become more dire.

You could use the following strategies to raise the stakes in your story:

  • Personal Stakes: The threat doesn’t just have to be global. Put your protagonist’s loved ones, their core values, or even their sense of self at risk. As they travel, the consequences of failure could extend to their home reality or the very fabric of the multiverse.
  • Universal Consequences: Show how the conflict has the potential to impact not just your protagonist’s goals but entire realities. This could involve the collapse of a world, the spreading of a chaotic force, or the disruption of the delicate balance of the multiverse itself.
  • Time Constraints: Introduce a ticking clock. Perhaps a prophecy foretells an impending doom, or a portal they rely on is on the verge of collapse. This creates a sense of urgency and forces the protagonist to make difficult choices under pressure.
  • Limited Resources: The resources needed to navigate the multiverse could be dwindling. Running out of fuel for interdimensional travel, losing access to crucial tools, or the limitations of their own physical and mental endurance can create a sense of desperation and raise the stakes for each encounter.
  • Shifting Alliances: Friends can become foes, and seemingly stable realities can crumble. Raising the stakes involves introducing unexpected betrayals, forcing your protagonist to question who they can trust and adapt their strategies on the fly.
  • Foreboding Discoveries: Unearth clues about a looming threat, witness the devastation caused by past multiverse conflicts or encounter characters who warn of the dangers ahead.
  • Narrow Escapes: Throw your protagonist into thrilling situations where they barely escape with their lives. These close calls raise the stakes by showcasing the potential consequences of failure.

By strategically raising the stakes throughout your story, you create a dynamic narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The ever-increasing challenges your protagonist faces will highlight their determination, resourcefulness, and the importance of the central theme to the overall conflict.


Time Constraints: Anya discovers that the gateway to the multiverse is unstable and has a limited window of activation. She must find a way to unlock its secrets and travel to the desired reality before the window closes, or she might be trapped in her own reality forever.

Escalating Threats: As Anya delves deeper into her research, she uncovers a hidden organization within the city that also seeks control of the multiverse gateway. This organization will stop at nothing to acquire the knowledge Anya possesses, forcing her to constantly be on guard and raise the stakes of her mission.

Personal Consequences: Anya learns that using the gateway could have unforeseen consequences for her own world. Activating the gateway might trigger security protocols or alert the authorities, putting her loved ones in danger. This adds an emotional layer to the stakes, making Anya’s success even more crucial.

Step 11: Develop The Resolution

The climax and resolution of your multiverse story should provide a satisfying conclusion to your protagonist’s journey while leaving room for further exploration if desired. In this step, you’ll craft a resolution that addresses the central conflict, explores the theme, and leaves a lasting impression on your readers.

Here are some common types of resolutions in a multiverse story:

  • Direct Confrontation: Your protagonist might face the antagonist in a climactic battle, using their knowledge of the multiverse and the skills they’ve acquired to overcome the threat.
  • Strategic Maneuvering: Perhaps a direct confrontation is not the answer. The resolution could involve outsmarting the antagonist, manipulating the rules of the multiverse, or forging unexpected alliances to achieve their goals.
  • Choices and Consequences: The climax should hinge on a pivotal choice made by the protagonist. This choice should reflect their growth and understanding of the theme, with consequences that ripple across the multiverse.
  • Personal Transformation: For some stories, the resolution may lie in the protagonist’s personal growth. Through their experiences in the multiverse, they confront their own limitations and emerge with a newfound understanding of the theme, even if the external conflict remains unresolved.
  • Raising the Stakes to a Maximum: The consequences of failure in the climax should be dire, threatening the protagonist, the multiverse, or both. This creates a sense of urgency and raises the emotional stakes for the reader.

The resolution should not simply tie up loose ends.  Consider the lasting impact of the protagonist’s actions:

  • Changes to the Multiverse: Has the protagonist’s journey altered the balance of power or the way different realities interact?
  • Personal Growth: How have their experiences in the multiverse changed them? Will they return to their core universe forever transformed?
  • Openings for Further Exploration: Does the ending leave room for further adventures in the multiverse? Perhaps new questions have arisen, or there are lingering threats that could be explored in future stories.

The resolution of your multiverse story should not only answer the central question but also leave a lasting impression on the reader.  By crafting a satisfying climax and a resolution that resonates with your theme, you bring your protagonist’s journey to a close, leaving readers with a sense of wonder and a deeper understanding of the vast and ever-expanding possibilities of the multiverse.


Anya unlocks the secrets of the multiverse gateway and travels to a reality where knowledge is freely available. There, she learns not just about the mechanics of interdimensional travel but also about the ethical implications of knowledge acquisition and dissemination.

Anya uses her newfound knowledge to stabilize the gateway and prevent the organization from gaining control. She establishes safeguards to ensure responsible use of the gateway, allowing controlled access to knowledge for her own reality while protecting the multiverse from those who would misuse it.

Anya returns to her own reality, not just with knowledge but also with a newfound wisdom. She becomes a beacon of hope, sharing her experiences and advocating for a society that values both knowledge and responsible use of information.

Step 12: Write and Revise

With a well-developed plan and a strong foundation, you’re now ready to embark on the actual writing process!  This step focuses on translating your ideas into a captivating story and then revising it to ensure clarity, coherence, and impact.

When writing your first draft consider the following:

  • Focus on the Journey: Don’t get bogged down in world-building details. Keep the plot moving and focus on your protagonist’s experiences as they travel through the multiverse.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Immerse readers in the richness of the multiverse through vivid descriptions, engaging dialogue, and action sequences. Let them experience the wonders and dangers alongside your protagonist.
  • Develop Your Voice: Find a writing style that captures the essence of your story. Is it lighthearted and adventurous? Bleak and suspenseful? A unique voice will draw readers in and make your story memorable.
  • Embrace the Unexpected: The beauty of the multiverse lies in its endless possibilities. Leave room for spontaneous ideas and discoveries as you write. These unexpected turns can add depth and intrigue to your story.

Once you have written a draft of your multiverse story, you can start revising it:

  • Step Away and Come Back: Once you’ve finished your first draft, take some time away from it. Returning to the story with fresh eyes allows you to identify areas for improvement.
  • Cohesion and Consistency: During revision, ensure your portrayal of the multiverse remains consistent. Review scenes to make sure the rules governing each reality are clear and don’t contradict each other.
  • Pacing and Flow: A well-paced story balances action, exploration, and character development. Revise your draft to ensure a smooth flow between high-stakes moments and quieter scenes that allow readers to connect with the characters and the themes.
  • Strengthen Character Development: Your characters are the key to connecting with readers. Revise to ensure their personalities, motivations, and growth arcs are believable and engaging.
  • Address Logical Inconsistencies: With multiple realities, there’s a chance for inconsistencies to creep in. Revise to ensure the rules governing each universe remain consistent and the overall narrative adheres to the established logic of your multiverse.
  • Read Aloud: Hearing your story out loud can reveal awkward phrasing, pacing issues, and inconsistencies.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your work with trusted beta readers who can provide constructive criticism and help you identify areas for improvement.

By following these steps and dedicating time to revision, you can transform your multiverse concept into a captivating and well-written story. 


The multiverse offers a playground for boundless creativity, and with these steps on how to write a multiverse story as your guide, you’re well on your way to crafting your own captivating narrative. Whether you choose to explore grand themes of existence or focus on a character’s journey of self-discovery across realities, the key lies in establishing clear rules, developing compelling characters, and raising the stakes to keep your readers engaged.

So, unleash your imagination and delve into the world-building! We’d love to hear about your multiverse ideas. What unique elements will define your realities? What challenges will your protagonist face as they navigate the boundless expanse? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

How To Write A Multiverse Story

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