Ideas Wizard App
(Ideas Generator App)

The Ideas Wizard app is the ultimate idea generator app filled with over 100,000+ ideas and still counting! From writing prompts to character names, and even story cubes, find unique ideas within seconds. Download the app from Google Play Store for JUST £0.99 or try the free version which only includes name generators:

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ideas wizard app

idea generator app
story cubes app

How To Use The Ideas Wizard App

There are just so many ways to use this idea generation app. From helping you come up with story ideas to giving you inspiration for your next character design. Here are some fun ways to use this app:

  1. Challenge yourself to write a poem or short paragraph every day. You can use the ‘Random’ button on the home screen to get a random idea to inspire you with your daily writing challenge!
  2. Use the images and character names provided to create your own character profiles. These character profiles can be used in your stories later on!
  3. The built-in story cube app is a great way to find inspiration for your next creative writing project. Just select the number of dice and hit the ‘Random’ button to roll!
  4. Love drawing? Use the ideas in this ideas generator app to help you find inspiration for your next piece of artwork. You could even set yourself a daily drawing or doodle challenge based on the ideas provided.
  5. Looking for a cool name idea for a character or fantasy world? Pick any generator you like, and hit the ‘Random’ button to get thousands of name ideas!

And there are so many other ways to use the app! See the full list of features below!

ideas wizard app with hints

ideas wizard app with share buttons

saved ideas in ideas generator app

Hints To Develop Ideas

Not sure how to use the cool new ideas you discover? Use the magic ‘Hints’ button to help you develop the ideas you find further.

Save Ideas You Love!

Don’t want to lose a particular idea? Use the ‘Save’ button to save ideas that you love, so you can access them anytime you like!

Images to Visually Inspire

Words are not always enough, so we included images to take your ideas to the next level. Each name idea is complemented with an image, so you can easily imagine the character or place in your mind. 

Share Ideas With Friends

Don’t work alone! Share the ideas you love with your friends and followers on social media and via email. 

New Generators Added Monthly!

Our library of ideas keeps on growing, with new generators added each month. Can’t find a particular generator, just send us a request and we’ll add it to the list! Here are some of the generators included:

  • Story Cubes Generator 
  • Random Word
  • Book Title Ideas
  • Writing Prompts
  • Pirate Names
  • Dragon Names
  • World Names
  • Warrior Cat Names
  • Harry Potter Names
  • And many many more…

Download Ideas Wizard App

The Ideas Wizard app is currently available on Android only via Google Play Store. 

Download App


Where can I download the Ideas Wizard App?

Currently, it is available to download from the Google Play Store only.

How much does the Ideas Wizard App cost?

It is only 99p! That’s way less than a cup of coffee or even a sandwich! For just 99p you can access over 100,000 ideas. And what makes this offer even better is that the app is 100% offline and ad-free! So no need for wi-fi or any extra permissions.

We also have a free version of the app (Name Generator Wizard) which includes non-personalised ads and limited generators.

What kind of ideas will I find on the app?

At the moment, we have ideas relating to writing prompts, story starters, character name ideas, world name ideas and story cubes. We also plan on updating the app every month to release new idea generators. And so the library of ideas will keep on growing.

Why should I download this app?

Whenever you are bored or need to beat writer’s block, this app will be your handy ‘go-to’ when you need some serious inspiration. With visual images, hints and over 100,000 ideas, you’re sure to feel inspired after using the Ideas Wizard App!

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