Currency Generator

Our free online Currency Generator makes naming a fictional currency quick and easy.

Click the 'Generate' button to get a fantasy currency idea.

Have you ever imagined creating your own country and naming its currency? It can be fun to come up with creative names for money, like Rublons, Creds or MegaBucks. But how would you actually generate unique currency names? That’s where this currency generator tool can help. 

To get started, just click the “Generate” button and our system will automatically generate a full monetary system for your fantasy world.

The Currency Generator draws on linguistic patterns to suggest plausible yet original names that fit together cohesively. With a click of a button, you’ll have a complete coined money vocabulary for your fictional realm.

When picking a currency name, try choosing one that matches the theme of your fantasy world. For example, the currency for an elven kingdom will sound light and lyrical, while dwarven coins have sturdy, metallic names.

How To Name A Currency

Creating fantasy currency names can be a fun and imaginative exercise. Here’s a format you can use to generate unique and interesting names for your fictional currencies:

  1. Prefix/Root: Start with a prefix or root word that sets the tone for your currency. This could be related to elements in your fictional world, like nature, magic, technology, or historical figures.
  2. Suffix: Add a suffix to the prefix/root to give it a distinct sound or flair. This could be a word related to currency, wealth, or value.
  3. Modifier: Optionally, include a modifier that describes the material or characteristic of the currency. Is it made of a specific metal, gem, or magical substance?
  4. Denomination: Consider different denominations of the currency. For example, if the main unit is a “crown,” what are smaller units called? (e.g., shillings, pence)

Here’s an example using these elements:

  1. Prefix/Root: Eldor
  2. Suffix: ium
  3. Modifier: Silver
  4. Denomination: Crowns, Shillings, Pence

Generated currency names from the example above:

  • Eldorium: The main unit of currency.
    • Silver Eldorium: A variant made of silver.
    • Eldor Shilling: A smaller denomination.
    • Eldor Pence: The smallest unit of currency.

Feel free to mix and match or come up with your own combinations using this format. You can also customize the elements based on the themes or concepts you want to highlight in your fantasy world.

Tips for Choosing a Name

When creating a fantasy world, whether for a novel, game or other media, developing an economic system with unique currencies helps make that world feel real and lived in.  Fictional money gives a sense of what daily life is like in your fantasy realm and hints at its values and history. For instance, in JRR Tolkien’s Middle Earth, gold coins called “castars” reflect the dwarves‘ mining culture. Different currency names can distinguish regions, with “royals” used in one kingdom and “pagols” in another. The relative value between coins conveys what goods cost and indicates which resources are rare or common.

You can even base currency on magical items, like gems or potion vials, suggesting an economy centred around magic. The physical form of the money also adds realism – large stone coins could imply dwarven mining, while paper bills suggest an industrialized human society. Overall, well-thought-out imaginary currencies make a fantasy setting feel authentic and give players a tangible connection to that world.

How Do You Create A Fantasy Monetary System?

When building out the economy of a fictional world, establishing a monetary system is key to making it feel real. Here are some tips for designing credible fantasy currencies:

  • Base the value of the currency on resources that are rare or common in your world, like gold, silver, gemstones or commodities like grain. This grounds it in economic reality.
  • Create unique names for units of currency that fit the language and cultures of your world. For example, dwarves might mint sturdy names like “ironbits” while elves may use more elegant terms like “moondrop.”
  • Develop different denominations for coins/bills that make practical sense. Having both small and large currency units allows for accessible day-to-day transactions.
  • Consider the materials used to mint coins or print paper money based on the tech level of your society. Older kingdoms might use metals while advanced civilizations could have polymer bills.
  • Design interesting visuals on the coins and currency that reflect key symbols, animals or elements from your world. This adds artistic flair and historical meaning.
  • Don’t be afraid to vary currencies between different nations and races to show economic contrasts.

With thoughtful fantasy worldbuilding, you can craft a monetary system that feels like a natural outgrowth of your fantasy realm’s values and history.

Fictional Currency Ideas

Below is a list of random fictional currency name ideas for your fantasy world: 

  • Eldorium (ELD):
    • Variant: Silver Eldorium (SEL)
    • Smaller Denomination: Eldor Shilling (ELS)
    • Smallest Unit: Eldor Pence (ELP)
  • Lumara (LU):
    • Variant: Golden Lumara (GLU)
    • Smaller Denomination: Lumara Solas (LUS)
    • Smallest Unit: Lumara Quarters (LUQ)
  • Aetherium (AET):
    • Variant: Crystal Aetherium (CAET)
    • Smaller Denomination: Aether Glimmers (AETG)
    • Smallest Unit: Aether Shards (AETS)
  • Verdantum (VER):
    • Variant: Emerald Verdantum (EVER)
    • Smaller Denomination: Verdant Leafs (VERL)
    • Smallest Unit: Verdant Branches (VERB)
  • Ignisar (IGN):
    • Variant: Bronze Ignisar (BIGN)
    • Smaller Denomination: Ignis Embers (IGNE)
    • Smallest Unit: Ignis Sparks (IGNS)
  • Celestium (CEL):
    • Variant: Silver Celestium (SILCEL)
    • Smaller Denomination: Celest Halos (CELH)
    • Smallest Unit: Celest Wisps (CELW)
  • Florium (FLO):
    • Variant: Silver Florium (SIFLO)
    • Smaller Denomination: Florium Petals (FLOP)
    • Smallest Unit: Florium Specks (FLOS)
  • Pyronix (PYR):
    • Variant: Ruby Pyronix (RUPYR)
    • Smaller Denomination: Pyronix Sparks (PYRS)
    • Smallest Unit: Pyronix Cinders (PYRC)
  • Aquarion (AQU):
    • Variant: Sapphire Aquarion (SAAQU)
    • Smaller Denomination: Aquarion Drops (AQUD)
    • Smallest Unit: Aquarion Ripples (AQUR)
  • Terranite (TER):
    • Variant: Terracotta Terranite (TETE)
    • Smaller Denomination: Terranite Pebbles (TEPE)
    • Smallest Unit: Terranite Dust (TEDU)


Naming a new currency can be challenging, but tools like our Currency Generator make it fast and fun to invent monetary systems for fictional realms. With the click of a button, you can access countless creative coin names to establish the economic culture of your fantasy world. 

Try it out for yourself and let us know in the comments if the Currency Generator gave you any currency names that you loved! Do you plan to use the generated names in a story, game or other project? We’d be excited to hear! 

We hope this post gave you some insights into the currency creation process. Don’t forget to bookmark our Currency Generator to devise unique names for all the money in your imagined kingdoms and beyond.

Currency Generator

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