25 Christmas Poems for Kids

We have collected some of the best Christmas poems from around the world.

Tis the season to get creative and write some festive Christmas poems. Christmas poetry is the perfect Christmas gift for a friend or family member. And if you don’t know what to write in a Christmas card, write a Christmas poem! Everyone loves a good poem, right? To inspire your children to write their own poems, we have collected some of the best Christmas poems from around the world.

Table of Contents:
Funny Christmas Poems
Christmas Poems That Rhyme
Christmas Poems About Family
Religious Christmas Poems

25 Christmas Poems For Kids

Funny Christmas Poems

We would like to start with some humorous Christmas poems that will make you laugh out loud. If you know that someone is having a hard time this festive season, you really should send them these funny Christmas poems to cheer them up. Here are our favourite short, funny Christmas poems featuring Christmas Elves, trees and Santa Claus:

snowball poem

Snowball by Shel Silverstein:
I made myself a snowball,
As perfect as could be,
I thought I’d keep it as a pet,
And let it sleep with me.

I made it some pajamas,
And a pillow for its head,
Then last night it ran away,
But first – it wet the bed!

The Funniest Face poem

The Funniest Face by Anon
The funniest face
looked out at me
From a silver ball
On the Christmas Tree!

At first I thought
It was Santa’s elf,
But I looked again and
It was just myself!

come santa poem

Come, Santa by Unknown
Once upon a time,
I made a wish while holding a dime,
“I wish Santa come here on Christmas
Put something special in my socks”.
So every night,
I watch out for Santa,
Waiting for a huge guy
with a huge belly to show up.
Then one night, my wish came true.
I saw someone huge near my socks,
Putting something there,
I was shocked it was my DAD!

funny christmas card poem

Funny Christmas Card by @haikujam
A little card with
Only three handwritten words
“Santa Failed again”

Feast Ye Well poem

Feast Ye Well by @haikus_by_KN
Feast ye well and have good cheer
For it be Christmas, then New Year.
But take heed! The stars forebode;
“Eat not too much, lest ye explode.”

my christmas day poem

My Christmas Day by @Piddlypoems
I ate so much
On Christmas Day
I sank in the snow
When I sat on my sleigh
Santa’s reindeer
Came to say
I’ll only pull you out
If you pay
I muttered
“I have no dough
I only have hay”
He replied
“Well hey man
Then there you’ll stay!”

my christmas tree won't grow

My Christmas Tree Won’t Grow by @Piddlypoems

Ho Ho Ho
Snow Snow Snow
What can I do
My Christmas tree won’t grow
I’ve sang it a carol
I’ve sang it a song
I’ve fed it mince pies
Where’ve I gone wrong
So I ran it a bath
With herbs and salts
I dipped it in
I prayed and hoped
I waited and waited
Then I pulled it out
I measured it once
I measured it twice
I measured it again
Oh dear
It was just as short
It was just the same

Christmas Poems That Rhyme

Rhyming poems are such great fun to read and make the perfect poem to give to any family member or friend. Take a look at these super fun Christmas poems that rhyme:

santas watching poem

Santa’s Watching by Kidspot
Christmas time is coming,
It’s time we must be good,
For Santa’s watching everyday,
And we forgot we should.

Clean our room and wash the car,
Help mum with every chore,
For presents we are after,
And a good one we must score.

No time to chat, no time to play
There’s dishes to be done.
There will be time later,
For us to have some fun.

ive been waiting for christmas poem

I’ve been waiting for Christmas by Unknown
I’ve been waiting for Christmas,
And it’s almost here.
I’ve been waiting for Christmas,
Santa’s getting near.

Can’t you hear the sleigh bells ringing?
Reindeer up so high.
Can’t you hear the children singing,
As they watch the sky?

merry and bright poem

Merry + Bright by Diane Bohn
Christmas may be over,
The stockings put away.
The chocolate and the cookies
Enjoyed every single day.

Now the New Year’s coming,
All hurry on their way,
To live their busy lives,
No more thoughts of Santa’s sleigh.

Although the season’s come and go,
And Holidays have their cheer,
The spirit of Christ can stay in our hearts,
To warm and bless all near.

I hope you had a merry Christmas,
Full of Christmas spirit,
But more than that I hope your year
Has much happiness and love in it!

snowman poop poem

Snowman Poop by Unknown
You’ve been naughty all year,
So here’s the scoop.

All you get for a gift dear,
Is this snow poop!

jolly old saint Nicholas poem

Jolly Old Saint Nicholas by Unknown
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, lean your ear this way.
Don’t you tell a single soul what I’m going to say.
Christmas Eve is coming soon. Now, you dear old man,
Whisper what you’ll bring to me. Tell me if you can.

When the clock is striking twelve, when I’m fast asleep,
Down the chimney, broad and black, with your pack you’ll creep.
All the stockings, you will find hanging in a row.
Mine will be the shortest one. You’ll be sure to know.

Christmas Wreaths poem

Christmas Wreaths by Unknown

Our Christmas wreaths are fat and round,
Made of the woodsy things we found.

We tied brown cones upon the green,
And stuck red berries in between.

Upon the wreath on our front door,
We tied red ribbon from the store.

Christmas Poems About Family

Christmas is the time to spend with your family and to show them how much you care about them. So put away all those electronics and gadgets and read some of these Christmas poems about family together:

family means fun poem

Family means fun by Unknown
Family means that they care.
Family means that they are there.
In this beautiful; Christmas time,
Everything looks sweet and prime.
So have fun with your family, because
It’s the holy time,
Merry Christmas to you,
And your family!

Of all the bonding in life poem

Of all the bonding in life by Unknown
A perfect family time is what Christmas is all about,
There is happiness all around,
Without any don’ts,
It becomes all the more special with your family,
Because they are a reason for joy,
So, this Christmas do enjoy,
With all of them,
Merry Christmas to you and your family!

our family poem

Our family by Unknown
Our family is like a patchwork quilt.
With kindness gently sewn,
Each piece original
With beauty all its own
With threads of warmth and happiness
It’s lightly stitched together.
To last in love throughout the years
Our family is forever.

for my sister poem

For my sister by Simon Clark
For my sister this Christmas,
I wish joy and laughter,
I wish you happiness and love,
For now and forever and ever-after,
I wish you the bliss this season brings,
Everyday of your life,
Every second you live,
For my sister this Christmas,
I wish these wondrous things.

Religious Christmas Poems

Now let’s not forget about the true meaning of Christmas and why we even celebrate it. Never let your children forget the true meaning with these religious Christmas poems:

Christmas by Matteo Minker-Wielstein

Christmas by Matteo Minker-Wielstein (7 yrs old written on 12/10/20)
Santa Clause is coming
So you better behave
But the real meaning of Christmas
Is Jesus came to save
So it doesn’t matter if no presents
Are under the tree
Because Jesus loves he or she,
and the real gift is L O V E

the greatest gift of all poem

The Greatest Gift of All by Jennie Munson
The greatest gift
Given long ago
Wasn’t wrapped in paper
Or tied with a bow
God’s only Son
From heaven above
Given to us
Straight from His love
Lest we forget
Please hold on tight
To the great truth
Brought on that night
His gift for love
For all to receive
The gift of salvation
To those who believe.

Symbols poem

Symbols by Charles A. Waugaman

The Cross was at the heart
Of Christmas
The star announced and
Lights beamed a plus into
Our darkness
And ebbing Hope was
Symbols appear both sharp
And simple,
But wondrous sacrifice
They hold.
Alpha*Life and death*Omega
When the whole is told.

Real joy Christmas poem

Real joy by Joanna Fuchs
What is Christmas without Jesus Christ?
It’s a holiday full of stuff.
Money and stress, teaching kids greed,
Some people are saying “Enough!”

“Love one another,” our saviour said.
It’s all about love, not things.
Let’s teach our children to serve, and create
The real joy that true Christmas brings.

Christmas Acrostic poem

Christmas Acrostic by Johnnie DesRochers
C is for the child born that night to be our light.
H is for holy is His name
R is for rejoice with gladness and joy.
I is for Immanuel, God with us.
S is for the star that led the Wise men to Him.
T is for the truth and grace that was sent our way.
M is for Mother Mary laying him in swaddling clothes in the manger.
A is for angels singing songs of joy.
S is for salvation.

Still Stops Our World poem

Still Stops Our World by Catherine Pulsifer

Still Stops Our World poem by begums2012

Still Stops Our World

By Catherine Pulsifer

Christmas a time for children

That is for certain

But for others

It is time to love your brothers.

A time where we do see peace,

Where fighting actually does cease.

Giving gifts and sharing with all,

When the world seems anew.

Like that first Christmas morn,

When Jesus was born.

A miracle that happened long ago,

Still stops our world and shines a glow.

christmas stars poem

Christmas Stars by Marie Irish

The golden Christmas stars shine down
With a cheerful Christmas glow,
And twinkle a Yuletide message
To the busy world below;

They tell of the peace and goodwill
That Christmas time brings to Earth,
The peace and goodwill all should feel
At this season of joy and mirth.

a king poem

A King by Sandra Hearth

Christmas, a time of wonder and joy,
A time to celebrate the birth of a baby boy.

A child innocent and true,
A child sent as a gift to save me and you.

This wondrous story has reached all corners of this globe.
A king is born but one who doesn’t wear a royal robe.

He will grow to teach and to love.
He will spread the word of his father above.

His gentle ways and his touch will turn water to wine.
This newborn child is wondrous and divine.

His word will be placed in a book for all to read.
His words will help heal all those who are in need.

This is the gift, no price to ever be given,
And even after death he will be risen.

His cries can be heard by all living things.
This beautiful baby will grow to be king.

Looking for more Christmas resources? Check these out:

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